Congrats on the completed thesis, vw!!!!
I finanally had the home visit from Owen's preschool teacher. She's very cool. She said Owen will probably be ready for 4 year old kindergarten (with support) in the fall. She seems to think he's pretty awesome (no argument here). She also seems to think he'll be mainstreamed by 1st grade (with continuing support and therapy). We may have to take him to Madison to get an official diagnosis of autism (medical, rather than just educational).
I went to a facial workshop at my gym (which has an in-house spa). I got sucked into spending a load on skin care products. *sigh* I blame my stupid wrinkles and zits.
This [link] is making me think of Bloom County. Poor Opus, wanting wings that work.
ETA: Penguins! And Terry Jones!
Um the candy store that sold the candy bra also has candy thongs and posing pouches. IJS.
Um the candy store that sold the candy bra also has candy thongs and posing pouches. IJS.
Yes, we've been over this. It's a violation of International Law for me to wear such a thing.
In ND's case there are also environmental issues that would involve the EPA and FEMA.
In ND's case there are also environmental issues that would involve the EPA and FEMA.
In my case it would involve paramilitary forces from the future traveling back in time to stop it....
Um the candy store that sold the candy bra also has candy thongs and posing pouches. IJS.
And lest we forget, the primary reason for not purchasing either of said items was, and I quote "...but Joe might want to wear it."
We were only trying to protect you, people!
Oh, Cashmere, that's a lot of good news! Yay! In house Spa at the gym sounds pretty sweet, too.
If Ifs and Buts were Candy and Nuts . . . that sounds a lot dirtier right now than it ever has in the past.
I should note that that link above has penguins, and Terry Jones
LOve both penguins and Jones.
Cash, that's wonderful news, yay for Owen and the rest of you guys, too!
I'm glad Dylan's feeling better today, and wish feelmorebetter vibes to the inmates--no, residents. Denizens?--at Sox's.
V and W! Yay, and verily woohoo! Congratulations, woman, you've worked so hard on this--I'm so pleased and thrilled for you. You deserve every smile, attagirl and word of praise coming your way.