LOve both penguins and Jones.
Cash, that's wonderful news, yay for Owen and the rest of you guys, too!
I'm glad Dylan's feeling better today, and wish feelmorebetter vibes to the inmates--no, residents. Denizens?--at Sox's.
V and W! Yay, and verily woohoo! Congratulations, woman, you've worked so hard on this--I'm so pleased and thrilled for you. You deserve every smile, attagirl and word of praise coming your way.
Performance evaluation and discussion of Things That Are Bad with Boss in a few minutes.
Kill me now. I hate this shit.
Beverly!!! good to see your font.
Oof, good luck Aimee.
{{Aimee}} Good luck, Hon.
Aimee, I've got lots to say, but "don't him sink his teeth into your character" is what I'll say right now.
Call me if you need me, baby.
Remember, keep Hangin' Tough during the talk. You got the right stuff, so you just have to take it Step by Step. And don't forget, I'll be loving you forever.