The key to it, I think, is realizing that most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about other people. All those people that you worry about thinking poorly of you? Are probably busy worrying about their own issues, or worrying about what everyone else is thinking of them, and spend very little time thinking about you.
Oh my god, YES. THIS. It's so very true.
I'm thinking about what a mess the fruit bats are going to make around the house.
The key to it, I think, is realizing that most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about other people. All those people that you worry about thinking poorly of you? Are probably busy worrying about their own issues, or worrying about what everyone else is thinking of them, and spend very little time thinking about you.
This might be easier if I didn't spend so much time trying to ignore people staring at my crutches or the way I walk.
Yes, but your sister is very, very special and unique. Thank God there's only the one of her.
They will control the bug population.
If it helps Susan, the not caring what other people think is, for me at least, more an ideal I aspire to. At times I know I care too much what others think. Especially in areas like career.
But the truth, for me, all that concern about what others think is just a smokescreen. The person who is judging me is myself.
ION, if you stare at the Google logo long enough, all you can see is the word "goolie"
This might be easier if I didn't spend so much time trying to ignore people staring at my crutches or the way I walk.
I'm going to risk sounding flippant, but I don't mean it that way: their staring isn't a judgement on you. People stare at anyone and anything different. All of advertising is based off of that idea. So yes, they stare at your crutches or the way that you walk. That doesn't mean they're judging you, or that you should worry about their opinions.
I think the thing that helps me is to remember that THIS IS YOUR LIFE. There's no magic door you get to walk through at some point to your Real Life, when everything will better. It NEVER HAPPENS. THIS is your life, so you've got to find some happiness in it
So very much this. Stupid nonexistant magical door.
t kicks place in Universe where magic door to Real Life should be
(I mean, I'm pretty happy, in general. But I definitely still have moments where I think about my Other Life, the one where I'm a freelance video editor cutting trailers for feature films and have a big house with a yard and enough money not to worry about whether or not paying for daycare is costing more than staying home would be.)
I've got to write a book in a year, AT LEAST. Anything else just isn't a professional pace.
That's a good goal and all, but if you can't reach it because you are working full time and therefore not writing full time it does not mean you are failing to be professional about your writing. It took Virginia Woolf seven years to write
To the LIghthouse.
It took Jane Austen sixteen years to write
Sense and Sensibility.
A book a year might be a reasonable guideline, but it's not going to keep you from getting published (or eventually making a living at writing) if you don't meet it this year.
I hate that "What do you do?" is such a prime getting-to-know-you question in our culture. The only times I've felt like I had a good answer were when I was in school.