Susan, vent away.
Aimee, nothing you do to get your kid into a good school could be considered milking.
My throat still feels like sandpaper and there is still sharp pain when I swallow. But the lack of a call from my doctor means no strep--just virusy goodness.
Owen typed a letter for me at school today. It read:
I'm so jealous of anyone who's getting paid a living wage to do something they love that I just about can't stand it.
Just so's you know, there is a very small percentage of the population who has this. In case that makes you feel any better. I just count myself lucky that my job is mostly tolerable and pays decently. Love? Oh hell naw.
Just so's you know, there is a very small percentage of the population who has this. In case that makes you feel any better. I just count myself lucky that my job is mostly tolerable and pays decently.
I know, I know. Sometimes I'd settle for just not being miserable every weekday morning.
I pretty much do have my dream job. The hours still suck and my boss can be an asshole.
Sometimes I'd settle for just not being miserable every weekday morning.
Yeah, that's not so good. {{{Susan}}}
I pretty much do have my dream job. The hours still suck and my boss can be an asshole.
It's not like I think getting published will solve all my problems. I'm just so sick of doing what I do. And I just realized it's been a whole year since I started my WIP, and it's still nowhere near finished because it's such a fight to find writing time...and I've got to write a book in a year, AT LEAST. Anything else just isn't a professional pace. I'm just so frustrated with myself and my life right now.
Stephanie, I haven't figured it out yet but I'm guessing Minneapolis to Stevens Point would be around a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive (one way). Which may be too far to drive over for a visit in one day--even though I would LOVE to host you guys for a playdate if you get the urge to make it over.
MM, your art work has improved noticeably since the last time I saw some of your sketches. That really looks like you.
and I've got to write a book in a year, AT LEAST. Anything else just isn't a professional pace.
Susan, I admire your dedication, but ... you're juggling work, family, and writing. I'm having problems finding time to write and I'm NOT the parent of a toddler. Maybe the expectations you're setting for yourself aren't achievable at this time, and driving yourself crazy to try and meet them will only make things worse.
Maybe the expectations you're setting for yourself aren't achievable at this time, and driving yourself crazy to try and meet them will only make things worse.
Well...I'm not pulling that "book a year" number out of thin air. I've heard that from numerous published authors, agents, and editors as a sort of minimum if you're serious about building a career, and that if at all possible you should push for that pace even before you're published just so you'll get used to it, because it's not like you'll get to quit your day job when you first sell anyway.
That said...well, the WIP is a whole new genre, so I've been having to reinvent my personal wheel WRT plot, structure, etc. Not to mention, you know, rewrite a key turning point of European history. Hopefully Book Two of the series will flow a little more quickly.