New directive from Boss: Much like how the Marines are "Unit Core God Country", my new set of Priorites are supposed to be "Work Work Work and if there's time Family School".
Aimee, your boss is rapidly becoming a grade-A asshat.
Asking you to put work ahead of school is reasonable, if kind of assy. Asking you to put work ahead of family is complete and utter bullshit.
t bites nails
Here we go! As GF said the other day, "This train has already left the station."
One of the women actually said, "If I had it to do all over again, I never would have had kids...or gotten married!" I can't imagine saying that. And I would never say that about GF. I love being with her - and it's been 14 years already.
::rolls dice for multiplier effect on GC::
vw, you really do look supercute in those pictures.
Gloomcookie, I feel sorry for people that are that miserable with their life choices. That really is an awful thing to say to someone getting ready to have kids.
I can honestly say that things haven't been perfect for us but that I wouldn't change a thing in my life. The good times have more than made up for the bad.
Gloomcookie, I feel sorry for people that are that miserable with their life choices. That really is an awful thing to say to someone getting ready to have kids.
What she said.
vw, you really do look supercute in those pictures.
Thanks! I really like them too. I look happy and healthy, which is kind of a nice thing to see, you know?
He's gone.
He and I are having a "performance Evaluation" on Friday. At which point I'm going to tell him, "Your thoughts on what my priorities ought to be versus what my priorities are are not meshing. You either need to understand my family comes first and always will or we each need to find someone or something that will better suit our needs."
Child brides!
Loves on lisah. We met in college when we were both 24.
Gloomcookie, I feel sorry for people that are that miserable with their life choices.
I know, right??? I hope she never lets her kids hear her say that. How awful.
One of the women actually said, "If I had it to do all over again, I never would have had kids...or gotten married!"
How awful and terribly unprofessional to be saying in front of a patient.
vw, I forgot to say how super cute your nephew looks in those pictures and you look gorgeous.