On a faintly related note, I am going to attend a meeting of World of Darkness on Sunday - possibly to pop my D&D cherry, or possibly just to be a D&D voyeur. Would you happen to know anything about this?
Bwah-ha-ha! Um, is it tabletop gaming or live-action role playing (larping)? WoD is based off of
Vampire the Masquerade,
which I used to be involved in loooooong ago.
it is tabletop gaming.
However, I'm assuming that if LARPing exists in Bangkok, these good people will also know about it. Or know someone who does. Still, one thing at a time, eh?
Yes, I seemed to recall you mentioning that you had been involved in
Vampire the Masquerade
once upon a time! Splendid!
My Geek Pal at work, Steve, suspects that I will love D&D, since I'm a big fan of storytelling. We'll see. Thus far my dice have all been six-sided.
(Also this weekend, I'm planning to have a crack at Bellydancing! It's all go!)
My Geek Pal at work, Steve, suspects that I will love D&D, since I'm a big fan of storytelling. We'll see. Thus far my dice have all been six-sided.
I found Vampire more entertaining than D&D, but that's because the VtM system is weighted more in favor of storytelling than D&D. For D&D to have good stories, you need a really good DM. Otherwise it defaults to
kill the monster, find the treasure.
(Okay, I also found VtM more entertaining because of the whole
yay vampires
thing. Look, I own my clichés, okay?)
FYI Fay (oh, and HI FAY!) D&D'ing is limited to D&D, while RPG'ing is all roleplaying games, including Vampire.
I tell you this because if you want to make a good impression describing someone's Vampire game as D&D'ing may not go over well - some won't care but some fled to Vampire to escape the whole D&D shebang. Anyway, YDMMMV.
Me, I love a good old session of D&D. Mainly because, it's kind of brainless and fun to hang out with friends.
P.S. I just heard our second peal of thunder for the hour. Totally not expected weather.
Cheers, Pete! I guess I'm being confused about this because it's via the Bangkok Dungeons And Dragons Group.
You both looked quite lovely at the ball. and I am glad your coach didn't turn into a pumpkin.
here is my vacation blog post in case anyone is interested
My mother is freaking out about my friend bringing babies to Cairo. (The kids are 5, 17 months, and 1 month now, and they're moving during the summer.) It's kind of cute. I reminded her that Egyptian people have babies, too -- they won't be the first babies in Cairo.
ahh, mom. My first thought was the kids might not even remember living in Egypt.
Wow, that's a long flight with three kids. I'd be hitting my doctor up for some Children's Valium for that one.