Considering how far you have to drive, and that you have to take a ferry to the island, I"m not too worried about the community. Plus, not terribly wealthy, out there.
Sumi, did you go to the Eastern Shore much? Otherwise you really wouldn't have heard of it. I only have because my old roommate and good friend is from near there, so when we'd go visit for holidays, her mom sometimes had a Smith Island cake.
The HR manager is the one who thinks it's funny.
Oh joy. I can see why you'd hesitate to take the issue to the next level. Maybe the quiet guy in the corner who never complains about the desk pounding will show up with an uzi one day.
No, we didn't spend much time on the Eastern Shore.
Considering how far you have to drive, and that you have to take a ferry to the island, I'm not too worried about the community. Plus, not terribly wealthy, out there.
I'd say most of the people on the Eastern Shore don't lock their doors. I remember when I was down from Brooklyn apt hunting the summer before I moved, the realtor kept freaking me out because she would leave her car running in the street while we were looking at places.
I swear to God, I don't know if I'm having an episode or if it's just that Monday a Monday.
I just keep getting these calls from assholes with questions I can't answer and nobody around here seems to be even halfway competent. And they don't care that I have to go back to these assholes, whose asshole-ishness has increased a thousandfold due to the INCREDIBLY LONG TIME they've been on hold while I attempt to chase down something to help them, and say "Yeah, evidently we're fucking morons here, sorry" and deal with a thousandfold asshole's half earned/half innate ire.
Tell me not to quit my job or set fire to the building ala Milton. Quick.
Don't set fire to the building unless you can make a lot of money providing hard-to-get items to the inmates in prison.
Telling us you're going to burn down the building could be considered malice aforethought.
You know in Star Wars when they jump into the garbage masher?
And they're all standing around complaining and bitching and thinking everybody else sucks? And then the walls start to move in just to make their day even worse?
And when that happens, you know how Chewie gives that really mournful, despairing growl/hoot thing he does?
That is the sound of ultimate suffering. My heart made that sound when the six fingered man killed my father. MiracleMan makes that sound now.
Dammit, I was totally about to make that same movie reference.
Also, Hil! flea! That's where my father is right now! Well, not right now. He might be asleep right now. But you know what I mean.
Who has 10 cake pans though? Would the first two layers get stale while you baked the next 8
Do the same thing I do when I bake a Dobosh Torte. Bake 3 layers and then, using a very sharp knife, cut each layer into 3-4 smaller layers. Hella lot easier than 3 tablespoons into a layer pan and just
getting that out once you have to.