You'd think this would be fine, because then I can read while he's busy with the tinkering. But then I go to bed WAY before he does (his ADD-induced second wind kicks in around 10:30, right around the time I'm thinking in the general direction of bed), and it makes me feel guilty, like I should be spending Quality Relationship Time with him instead of reading while he tinkers.
This is me and DH, except that I go to bed closer to 9 these days (baby + plague). I go to bed and read and fall asleep, and he stays up til 1 watching movies in the living room.
So, let me ask -- married folk/people living in sin: does it feel roommate-y sometimes? Or is there a roommate-like aspect? Is this normal?
As multiple folks have mentioned upthread, yes, totally normal. Tom and I tend to go to sleep at the same time, but when we are hanging out in the evening we like to do our own thing. Since we got the wireless, we tend to both be on the couch, me watching tv and him on the laptop, but before that, he'd go up to the office and do that.
It's nice to have space in the house to be able to spread out and have our own spaces. Keeps us sane!
so angry. got a shitty letter from boss re: my job performance. "no trust. ineed better from you and I need it immediately. see me to discuss." he gets in just now and asks "if we need to talk about anything" I ask if he means that letter. he says yes. I say "we do but it will have to be later" how passive agressive was he???
so angry. got a shitty letter from boss re: my job performance. "no trust. ineed better from you and I need it immediately. see me to discuss." he gets in just now and asks "if we need to talk about anything" I ask if he means that letter. he says yes. I say "we do but it will have to be later" how passive agressive was he???
so angry. got a shitty letter from boss re: my job performance. "no trust. ineed better from you and I need it immediately. see me to discuss." he gets in just now and asks "if we need to talk about anything" I ask if he means that letter. he says yes. I say "we do but it will have to be later" how passive agressive was he???
Aimee, it sounds like this guy has the emotional maturity of a walnut. Feh.
Aimee, I vote you play simpleton and make him SPELL IT OUT. "Need better from you" isn't actually helpful. If he's in a snit because his money wrangler is second guessing his choice to buy up properties and leave the company without cash, make him say, "Aimee, I don't want you to voice any opinions." And then memorialize it. He shouldn't be the only one who gets to write something down.