but have not been able to do it for any companies. So they are hiring the communications firm to 'position' them.
oh my god. for they have taken your great idea and made it smoke, because without understanding or ability, all they have is smoke. and now they taketh your friend and make her unto mirrors... for where smoke goes, often there can be found mirrors to monetize the smoke.
and if not profitable, the mirrors can be blamed later. I do not like company x. no I don't.
oh my god. for they have taken your great idea and made it smoke, because without understanding or ability, all they have is smoke. and now they taketh your friend and make her unto mirrors... for where smoke goes, often there can be found mirrors to monetize the smoke.
This is exactly what my friend said. She then took HER proposal (for the services she could provide them) and cut a bunch of stuff and hiked up the price. Thus the expectation that it won't go anywhere.
Today, X-guy said, )after 10 months of discussion about working with my friend) that they should meet again to discuss 'next steps.' She replied something along the lines of "No. The next time we meet, it will be so that I can say thank you for handing over half the project fees up front. Otherwise, we are done."
She is my business-acumen hero.
What's the problem with oil heat?
We're worried that it is going to be more expensive. Plus we'd have to be in charge of worrying about oil delivery. If anyone who has experience dealing with oil heat wanted to calm our fears. that would be great.
We're worried that it is going to be more expensive. Plus we'd have to be in charge of worrying about oil delivery. If anyone who has experience dealing with oil heat wanted to calm our fears. that would be great.
It can be pretty expensive. One delivery can cost $500 right now. Otherwise, though, the place sounds fantastic.
Hivemind help, please!
"Back in the days of Abraham"
What is that? It's not a cliche. It's not a trope. But, it's a specific reference that is meant to invoke a specific image. Is there a specific name for that or am I so knee-deep in this thesis that I can't even think anymore?
That could definitely be it.
Get the past bills so you can see what they are - and honestly the oil companies do whatever it takes to deliver oil. so the delivery shouldn't be a pain.
sj, I think oil heat is more common in New England than the rest of the country. My niece dealt with it in their last rental and it was sort of expensive. BUT they had a drafty, old farm house to heat. An apartment might be less troublesome with that type of system. Can you ask the landlord for an estimate on usage? Or another tenant?
This past winter has been particularly bad for the prices and the weather. But there is no telling yet weather the price would go down for next winter. Delivery isn't such an ordeal.
bonny, that sounds like such corporate bullshit! Were you under contract to them when you developed it? Because that could complicate any intellectual rights issues. Still, makes them seem like stoopid bastards.
Liv had her first speech therapy session today. She's picking up words and signs soo quickly. She's still behind in 2 word phrases and such, but we are making progress.
One delivery can cost $500 right now.
Per month?
sj, I think oil heat is more common in New England than the rest of the country. My niece dealt with it in their last rental and it was sort of expensive. BUT they had a drafty, old farm house to heat. An apartment might be less troublesome with that type of system. Can you ask the landlord for an estimate on usage? Or another tenant? This past winter has been particularly bad for the prices and the weather. But there is no telling yet weather the price would go down for next winter. Delivery isn't such an ordeal.
They said it cost about $1000 last year. I don't believe a thing real estate people say anymore. I haven't dealt with one yet that hasn't lied to me.
you should be able to see the actual bills - Oil delivery isn't a monthly thing - more on an as needed basis -