Mal: Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us? Zoe: Big damn heroes, sir.


Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Jesse - Apr 07, 2008 9:39:48 am PDT #9938 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I do have a month's worth of underwear (although I need to get rid of some of them, for sure), and I could never buy underwear to avoid doing laundry because I have to wash them before I wear them.

msbelle - Apr 07, 2008 9:39:51 am PDT #9939 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb


lisah - Apr 07, 2008 9:40:53 am PDT #9940 of 10001
Punishingly Intricate


Hah! I KNOW!!!

Vortex - Apr 07, 2008 9:40:56 am PDT #9941 of 10001
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

I could never buy underwear to avoid doing laundry because I have to wash them before I wear them.

Oh, I'm with you. Boys, not so much.

Nora Deirdre - Apr 07, 2008 9:41:51 am PDT #9942 of 10001
I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast! (Bojack Horseman)

I could never buy underwear to avoid doing laundry because I have to wash them before I wear them.

Tom is like this too.

sarameg - Apr 07, 2008 9:42:20 am PDT #9943 of 10001

I probably have a little over a week's worth. I wash it out daily.

It's a freakish habit I got into when lived abroad and was travelling light.

Today is truly trying to kill me.

shrift - Apr 07, 2008 9:42:26 am PDT #9944 of 10001
"You can't put a price on the joy of not giving a shit." -Zenkitty

I just figured out how to fix something. Oh, my god, after last week, I cannot explain how awesome that feels.

One clusterfuck down, two to go.

Jesse - Apr 07, 2008 9:46:20 am PDT #9945 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Boys, not so much.

Tom is like this too.

That's because Tom is a man.

Sophia Brooks - Apr 07, 2008 9:52:41 am PDT #9946 of 10001
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

I almost always buy more underwear, t-shirts and maybe a pair of jeans, as well as an opening night outfit during tech week 3 times a year, and I am 30 something. I feel stunted.

msbelle - Apr 07, 2008 9:55:12 am PDT #9947 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Jesse made Tom blush.