You know, with the exception of one deadly and unpredictable midget, this girl is the smallest cargo I've ever had to transport. Yet by far the most troublesome. Does that seem right to you?

Early ,'Objects In Space'

Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

hippocampus - Apr 07, 2008 5:33:46 am PDT #9811 of 10001
not your mom's socks.

And now person is apologizing for "getting on my nerves". Oh ho ho.

in that "still, even so, do you have a timeline for fixing it?" way? jeexe - I didn't realize [nonprofit] had staff in Chicago.

Dana - Apr 07, 2008 5:33:59 am PDT #9812 of 10001
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

And now person is apologizing for "getting on my nerves". Oh ho ho.

Have you finally perfected that "death glare through the internets" technology?

msbelle - Apr 07, 2008 5:36:23 am PDT #9813 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

oh, I will need to buy him a new pair of sandals, but since he is Growy McGrow-a-lot, I am not buying them until late May or June. Shorts and t-shirts he should be good on. School uniforms need to last through the end of June and I think I may have to get one more pair of pants and one more short sleeved polo.

beth b - Apr 07, 2008 5:46:23 am PDT #9814 of 10001
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

I think you all sound very busy and well, it is too early for that - even those of you on the east coast should still be moving slowly.

I think we should all just contemplate the coffee bean

Fred Pete - Apr 07, 2008 5:48:26 am PDT #9815 of 10001
Ann, that's a ferret.

Belated Happy Birthdays, Annabel and Amy!

shrift - Apr 07, 2008 5:54:34 am PDT #9816 of 10001
"You can't put a price on the joy of not giving a shit." -Zenkitty

I'm just going to crank my iPod, drink moar coffee, and try not to kill anyone. Or be too massively passive-aggressive.

Lee - Apr 07, 2008 5:57:19 am PDT #9817 of 10001
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

I sound like an asthmatic seal, my head hurts, and I'm finished calling in sick. I'm going back to bed.

beth b - Apr 07, 2008 5:58:04 am PDT #9818 of 10001
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!



SuziQ - Apr 07, 2008 5:59:33 am PDT #9819 of 10001
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

drink moar coffee,

Yes, more caffeine is needed.

Perkins - feel better soon! I hope I didn't give you anything. My stooopid cough is just a lingering mess.

Frankenbuddha - Apr 07, 2008 5:59:41 am PDT #9820 of 10001
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

and try not to kill anyone.

Well where's the fun in THAT??