I got stupid. The money was too good.

Jayne ,'Objects In Space'

Natter 57 Varieties  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Frankenbuddha - Apr 04, 2008 4:08:01 am PDT #9423 of 10001
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

I will say I've noticed a lot of work being done in Boston on the traffic lights the last few years (probably due to the Big Dig), and when they've done substantial work, they usually put some sort of left turn arrow in these days. Finally learning I guess.

So I guess, the moral is, if you know of a particularly nasty left without an arrow, arrange to do some damage to the traffic lights.

tommyrot - Apr 04, 2008 4:25:12 am PDT #9424 of 10001
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

A letter from BBC Human Resources, rejecting a job applicant: [link]

You may also like to note that calling our head of human resources a "skank ho" does not gain you any plus points when being shortlisted for a position.

Nutty - Apr 04, 2008 4:30:08 am PDT #9425 of 10001
"Mister Spock is on his fanny, sir. Reports heavy damage."

I wonder why driving makes people so rageful? I mean, I rarely see grocery store shopping cart rage.

Well, if I had to navigate a grocery store every day, for say 30 minutes, and thus constantly came across "two little old ladies with their carts side by side, chatting and blocking the whole aisle," I am sure I would become ragey after a while. And, with grocery carts, you can totally ram people! It doesn't cause any damage!!

Like a lot of things about Boston, they seemed to assume that either you'd been doing this exact thing for the last 15 years or you just shouldn't be there anyway.

I'm... coming to understand that this is an underlying attitude about the city, yes. Did I tell you all about the time (recently) a friend of mine got an invitation to some reception in the city, with directions listing the "Auditorium" stop on the T? It hasn't been named that officially in about 10-15 years; its name is Hynes/ICA. She had to google, and not the official MBTA site, to figure out what the hell they were talking about.

Emily - Apr 04, 2008 4:30:11 am PDT #9426 of 10001
"In the equation E = mc⬧, c⬧ is a pretty big honking number." - Scola

One of my students last period, in his frustration with his assembly, called out, "Screw you, Bob Saget!" I immediately thought of the board.

Jesse - Apr 04, 2008 4:38:10 am PDT #9427 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Like a lot of things about Boston, they seemed to assume that either you'd been doing this exact thing for the last 15 years or you just shouldn't be there anyway.

Heh. Especially now that I haven't lived there in so long, all of my landmarks are gone, but I still think of things as "right by where the [whatever] used to be," which works for people who have been there since the 80s, nsm anyone else...

God, my commute this morning was annoying. I was already running late, then the train I was on went out of service, so we all smooshed on to the next one, which yuck, and it's raining.

Frankenbuddha - Apr 04, 2008 4:40:04 am PDT #9428 of 10001
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Did I tell you all about the time (recently) a friend of mine got an invitation to some reception in the city, with directions listing the "Auditorium" stop on the T? It hasn't been named that officially in about 10-15 years; its name is Hynes/ICA.

Heh, not anymore, since the ICA moved to the waterfront. I think it is officially just "Hynes Convention Center" or "Hynes" now.

The funny thing is, I still think of it as Auditorium (though I ALSO think of it as Hynes - ICA never really stuck).

Dana - Apr 04, 2008 4:58:51 am PDT #9429 of 10001
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

I have almonds. Nom nom nom.

sarameg - Apr 04, 2008 5:00:06 am PDT #9430 of 10001

Oh oh! I remember my other iremaking thing: creepers. You know, the people who stop waaaay before they need to and then spend the next 2 minutes inching 10 yards forward? Irks me partly because I drive stick, and that's a lot of wasted clutch work, and partly because there are some intersections that if you don't pull all the way up to the next car, there's a good chance you are going to leave someone blocking the previous intersection when that light changes and here you are inchinginchinginching TO WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE?!


Tom Scola - Apr 04, 2008 5:04:14 am PDT #9431 of 10001
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

France is having a great debate over the fate of the semicolon: [link]

ION, I got even less sleep last night than I did the night before. I'm running on fumes here.

lisah - Apr 04, 2008 5:07:29 am PDT #9432 of 10001
Punishingly Intricate

Timid drivers bug me almost as much as aggressive drivers. Of course, my level of ire has decreased enormously since I stopped commuting 20+ miles each way on I95 every day.

I do want to say that if you are making a left turn from a two way street, regardless of whether you pull out into the intersection or not, don't turn your wheel until you are making the turn. Otherwise, if you get hit from behind, you'll get pushed out into oncoming traffic.