Nutty, I take no responsibility for your impending yarn purchases.
What I really need is an ability to read the internet while knitting. Sadly, the internet and television don't work the same way. I have only one pair of eyeballs to give for my country to my crafts!
You'd think most of my accidental stabbings would happen in the mornings when I'm barely functional, but nope. It's always in the evening.
Seriously, msbelle, what the eff are you searching on??
Also, I just learned that someone who reports to me has never done an expense report for a trip she took LAST FALL. I suggested that would be an excellent Friday afternoon activity.
Sophia, what kind of needles are you looking for?
I am looking for old style all plastic (no metal) circular needles in any size. They were made by Boye and Susan Bates. They are just about the only thing that doesn't cause pain to my hands from knitting. Of course, I seem to have hrt my shoulder/neck so badly, I should not think about knitting right now anyway, but I love those needles!
and more: [link]
search terms so far "jumpsuit", "octopus", "tacky", "frog ceramic", "jesus bead"
Sophia - I will look to see if I have any. I inherited all of my grandmother's needles and she had a lot of circulars.
Her theology sucks and her apostrophe abuse is abominable, and I can't decide whether the US (grecian) army is alluding to an unexpected and oddly charming alliance full of ancient-sounding heroic blank verse or a veiled suggestion that Hillary will let in all Teh Queers and turn our army Teh Gay. Based on her general craziness I'm hoping for the former, but based on her loathsomeness I fear the latter.
I love JZ like nobody's business.
You'd think most of my accidental stabbings would happen in the mornings when I'm barely functional, but nope. It's always in the evening.
Neither of our cats needs stabbed, but the container of kitty litter attacked me last night and seriously scratched up my left hand. Evidently it was trying out for a role in the new movie Attack of the Dehydrating Crystals.
ION, working from home today. I didn't feel like dealing with the idiots on the roads this morning.
edited for subject/verb agreement.
Like, the guys I was arguing with? I just kept thinking, "it's quite possible that they just don't actually know many women at all..."
It's like those renaissance paintings of the baby Jesus by painters who'd clearly never seen an actual baby and noticed they didn't have the same proportions as adults.
I think iTunes is conspiring against me. I decided to buy The Riches, and it won't let me buy it at this time, because the item is undergoing a change. WTF?
It knows you are a girl and don't think about music.
search terms so far "jumpsuit", "octopus", "tacky", "frog ceramic", "jesus bead"
Ah, so you're actively seeking out the crazy, not just stumbling upon it. Do you need some work to do?