>To be fair, Teppy, Beaker does have a Rick Astley flair about him.
Now I'm hearing "Never gonna give you up" entirely in Beaker Meeps. Is that what the link went to, or was it Muppet footage over the actual song? I have no sound at work.
'George W Bush Sewage Plant' Proposed In San Francisco
I checked to see if that was a story from yesterday, but since it's San Francisco, I can see it. Quite the fitting memorial (though a sewage creation facility would be more appropos).
Now I'm hearing "Never gonna give you up" entirely in Beaker Meeps. Is that what the link went to, or was it Muppet footage over the actual song?
Muppet footage over the actual song. But the thing is, the song really *worked* with the Electric Mayhem band.
What Muppet episode was that originally from? Was it from Muppets Tonight from the 90s?
An unalphabetized glossary: stupidest thing in the world? Y/N
N, but only if the author uses some other sensible way to organize it so the reader can find a term. Say, in order of the first use of the term in the work.
I did not know childcare was deductible. NOw I have to re-submit stuff to tax guy. ugh.
N, but only if the author uses some other sensible way to organize it so the reader can find a term. Say, in order of the first use of the term in the work.
No, it is alphabetization or nothing. I have spoken. (And not only is it not organized sensibly, some of the terms don't even appear in the document. Yet I am not allowed to touch the content, only to copy-edit. Dude, your document SUCKS. Let me fix it.)
I'm thinking of renting myself out today to flit around various corners of the internet and be cranky about things.
ita, how was the hemp milk?
Haven't tried that yet. Was thinking to stick with the familiar, but tomorrow is hemp since rice was so disappointing. After hemp I'll try oat. Almond I'll probably skip entirely.
Anyone here have a Charles Schwab account? I know ING has a good rep here (and I like the account I have with them) but I just saw a Schwab ad that made them look an ING competitor--high interest alternative to your tradtional accounts. The ad seemed to emply, though, that you can get to your Schwab money through ATMs at no fee.
Sorry Jesse, I think I used up all of everyone's March sick days. Next year I promise I'll share!
Let me be very clear: I have no wish to be sick!! Just to take the occasional sick
But I did just get the OK to take off Friday -- what does my boss care?
Anyone here have a Charles Schwab account?
Not anymore but they are my old employers. Their stock options helped me pay for grad school (sadly I had to sell them about a year before the price really flew up though) ... I don't have any useful information for you, ita.
I did not know childcare was deductible. NOw I have to re-submit stuff to tax guy. ugh.
Yeah. Up to $5K, if I remember correctly.
Whenever Owen sees adverts for Horton Hears a Who (the film and the IHOP tie-in) he covers his ears. He did the same thing with the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie late last year.