I know my mention of taking the PSATS (I don't know if they still have those, for all I can remember, I took the regular SATs as a sophomore) prompted T to sign up for whatever version exists now. But even so, she's got teachers who are pushing her into that sort of thing anyway. Thank goodness.
Again, she's a lucky kid, with an involved dad and she got into a magnet school where they push this stuff.
But ALL schools should push this stuff. I look at my next door neighbor's great-grandchild, who graduated last year and is 18. She's working, hoping she can save for community college, and to hear her talk, she doesn't think it realistic. She never was pushed, rarely had confidence instilled in her. Schools sure didn't. The thing is, she's working as an admin in the hospital system here. It'll give her so many opportunities if she knows to take them.
we just got an email from Kerri Strug, and my minion is freaking out. It literally didn't occur to me that this email from the Department of Justice about some budget mods was actually from the Olympic gymnast, but sure enough, it is. Apparently.
Jesse, Kerri Strug's brother Kevin was a cheerleader at the same time I was at my university. I'm not surprised that she's DoJ; if I recall his family was pretty political active.
Jilli, thanks! I was going to blog the pic so you might see it more easily.
Kerri Strug's brother Kevin was a cheerleader at the same time I was at my university.
Huh! I do want to call her now, just to hear her voice.
Vortex, I got that e-mail too. And I literally JUST switched to digital cable on Saturday and was wrestling with the IR and my Series 2 Tivo last night. I ended up calling it a night at 1AM. I am so ready to hit the "BUY" button on this deal.
You go first...!
I never think of it when I want to cook a whole chicken!
Didn't you roast one just the other day?
No I did not. And even if I did, it's been months since I thought about going to the pollo vivo (halal!) place.
Bon (and anyone else interested), the TiVo offer is here: [link]
It's not listed on the main purchase page, but the email offer said that you're welcome to forward it to your friends, which I figure I'm doing more efficiently this way...
No I did not.
With like a bajillion (or 50) cloves of garlic? No?
My brain is very fragile.
Okay. Off to sleep now.
I got the email too and was all "...ohhhhh! Lifetime subscription!"
Found out my tax refund today. bigger than I expected. like much. I actually thought I might pay this year. so, I guess I need to adjust some witholdings and get more cash in my paychecks.