I wonder if people who deeply love music would break up with someone who listened to music they hated?
I let DH have his Paul Simon and he lets me have my Oingo Boingo. But I'm not sure either of us is really a music-lover when it comes down to it.
Food...that's trickier. I'm not sure I would last long in a relationship with a cilantro-hater, because where would we go out to eat? What would I cook for them?
When it comes to food, I think people are more likely to break up with me than I with them... I'm not really sure a vegan would ever want to be with me as I'm a total meat-arian.
I am sure there are people who would never date a vegan, and people who would never date carnivores.
Flea, I think I could date a vegan, but it would have to be a certain type of vegan -- one accepting enough of my non-vegan ways. I'm pretty laissez-faire so if you want to eat baked products that use no dairy, more power to you. As long as you don't force your oat-cake on me.
I would be hard-pressed to find someone who read more lowbrow stuff than I do, so.
In other words, if you set out to write trashy entertainment that makes people forget their troubles for a while, people have less room to turn up their noses if you succeed in writing a highly entertaining trashy novel.
This sounds right to me. And is actually the same way I feel about a lot of music -- I like pop music that appeals to the masses, and basically believe that if millions of people like it, it's got to have something going for it.
I can't imagine a food that would be a deal-breaker.
Actually, I would probably have more of an issue with someone whose taste in movies wasn't compatible with mine, since I think of movies as something to do together. So if he only ever wanted to see obscure and depressing films, I would be bummed out.
Pro or con?
They were very anti-ketchup.
They were very anti-ketchup.
they're right - it keeps the Old Bay from making it to the eggs.
I think I'd draw the line at thinking the Left Behind books are the pinnacle of literature, but outside of that I'd like to think I'm open minded.
t points and nods
I read, on average, 120 books per year. DH reads about 10. Mine are about a 50-50 split between fiction and nonfiction; his are almost all nonfiction. I wish he read more, but it's hardly a deal-breaker. He's still intelligent and well-informed and interesting to talk to.
What would be a deal-breaker is if he thought my writing was trash just because it's genre fiction with happy endings. I work my ass off trying to improve my craft and be the best writer I can, and I couldn't stay in a relationship with someone who didn't respect one of my central driving passions.
I wonder if people who deeply love music would break up with someone who listened to music they hated?
I deeply love music and I would only break up with someone who judged the music I listened to. You can take your snobbery and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.