I do love
Ms. Magazine,
though, got to say. Definitely not a magazine telling you to BUY BUY BUY and LOSE WEIGHT and GET A GUY!
It's much too serious for the kind of magazine you're talking about, though. I'd like a little frivolity and budget living in my non-gender-stereotyped magazine.
Allyson sounds like she's talking about a Bust/Budget Living mashup to me.
Man, I loved Sassy. *Before* Jane left, it should go without saying.
But the magazine I miss most of all is the dear, departed Mode. No other magazine for plus-size women who want actual fashion instead of muumuus comes close.
t edit
This cover, more than anything I can think of, exemplifies MODE in its glory days: [link]
Budget Living sounds cool. Is it anything like Real Simple? I almost fell for that magazine.
Window box flowers/herb gardens for apartment living.
You can get that upside down tomato one. You know what else you should have? Infomercial/product of the week--you know the sort of product. Nothing normal like air fresheners, but instead something like Shamwow! where it's like they're selling you a whole new technology that you just can't continue to live without.
Real Simple is infuriating. Budget Living was cool.
OK, I've only looked at a couple issues, but it seems like all "buy this $300 cardboard box, and your crap will be transformed!" and "how to prepare for your trip to Nice this year: step one, fly first class."