Man, I loved Sassy. *Before* Jane left, it should go without saying.
But the magazine I miss most of all is the dear, departed Mode. No other magazine for plus-size women who want actual fashion instead of muumuus comes close.
t edit
This cover, more than anything I can think of, exemplifies MODE in its glory days: [link]
Budget Living sounds cool. Is it anything like Real Simple? I almost fell for that magazine.
Window box flowers/herb gardens for apartment living.
You can get that upside down tomato one. You know what else you should have? Infomercial/product of the week--you know the sort of product. Nothing normal like air fresheners, but instead something like Shamwow! where it's like they're selling you a whole new technology that you just can't continue to live without.
Real Simple is infuriating. Budget Living was cool.
OK, I've only looked at a couple issues, but it seems like all "buy this $300 cardboard box, and your crap will be transformed!" and "how to prepare for your trip to Nice this year: step one, fly first class."
I like Real Simple because it's so clean. Really spare design, easy on the eyes, and good recipes. Also, organization porn! If you're into that.
Really spare design, easy on the eyes
Oh god, I *hate* Real Simple's design. Their random-ass use of negative space makes me want to roll the magazine up and use it to beat the crap out of their layout department. It's friggin' unreadable.
But the magazine I miss most of all is the dear, departed Mode.
I loved that magazine. I miss it.