sara, ogling is fine. As long as it was covert ogling.
Wrangling one year olds is a difficult task. The care facility had a birthday party for Grace. We supplied the cake and plates and silverware and they provided banners and songs and partiers who would eat the cake.
aesthetically pleasing
I like this phrase!! I use it myself.
It's amazing to me it's been a WHOLE YEAR. I love 'em.
As long as it was covert ogling.
I seriously hope it was. It wasn't until after the fact I'd realized I was doing it. I tend to zone out physically in meetings. Something to distract me? It might.
Seriously, regardless of your inclination, the man is beautiful. And his arms are works of art. And lest you assign intentions to me: he's married. And great scenery.
Damnit, I just wish I could be there to shnoozle and snuggle. Ah well, I'll get there soon enough.
IKEA has been supported (minimally) by them. I gotta go buy more candles for them soon. 365 (364?) times two gets me out there every so often.
Stupid continent and air travel and job.
Stupid continent and air travel and job.
Seriously! Though I'm hesitant to buy a ticket for a flight now because of the sucky cancellations. Though I'm presenting at a conference in Denver in April so I should probably get my act together and plan. ugh.
My mom's in B'ham right now and I don't know her return date or airline and she's sure to freak out if her flight is cancelled (although that is mitigated by her getting more time with the grandboys.)
I figure hit the airlines that have already pulled planes and you should be ok. They are already on the defensive, trying to avoid future incarnations of this.
Happy birthday to Grace and Noah! Kat, I can't even comprehend the year you've had, but the world is a better place because those 2 babies are in it. I love watching them grow and change and thrive via the pictures you share. Thank you.
sara, there's no harm in looking at the menu. It's better than staring at the wall.
sara, there's no harm in looking at the menu.
Unless your retirement age boss witnesses it!
That's what I fear.
I really didn't mean to stare. He was just across from me. And I knew what the meeting contents were going to be.
Was better than staring at the person who shaved his head badly (but understandably-chemo.)
Your boss probably didn't see a thing. There were no embarrassing moments when you were caught flat-footed, and you had a good grasp of the topic the meeting covered. It's all good. You've got to look at *something*....