it would seem to me that an online simulator of the electronics kits that seemed so cool when I was a young teen would be pretty simple to put together. I'd love to play with one, and see if I can grasp concepts now I never got then.
Heh. A year ago I was looking for the same thing. I found some that you had to pay for... I don't remember if I ever found any free ones.
Not too long ago I was looking at a simple circuit, and I suddenly comprehended (in a way I didn't in grade school/high school) how/why the voltage at various points would vary. I mean, in high school physics I memorized the formulas, but they didn't make complete intuitive sense to me....
Is it just me, or is posting at very slow today?
I just texted back to please cancel because I'm so tired.
I don't know why I find this so irritating. I think maybe it was the assumption that I don't have friends.
I tempt fate often enough, I have no desire to become shark bait.
"Ooh-ah-ah!" Sorry. Kneejerk.
Allyson, my birthday wish for you is that you get to do exactly what you want this evening. And that the coming year is filled with getting to do what you want when you want to. Many felicitations!
not just the assumption that you have no friends, but just that you have no plans.
I often spend the day of my birthday alone. by choice. I go shopping, I go wandering, doing what I feel like. DH once happened to mention to someone that I was spending my birthday alone - luckily when that person called me, they understood that I wanted to be alone.
not just the assumption that you have no friends, but just that you have no plans.
We always ask each other. Some years, I want to go out. Some years, I don't or can't. No one ever pressures me into doing something if I'd rather not.
ETA: Okay. Except for my mother. But she's the one who actually labored on the day of my birth so she's allowed.
Allyson, my birthday wish for you is that you get to do exactly what you want this evening. And that the coming year is filled with getting to do what you want when you want to.
Good one. I share this wish!
I don't remember if I ever found any free ones.
I think I've found some. SPICE seems to be a simulator model of some sort. But the list of free apps is over ten years old. So I have a little more poking left to do.
I third Beverly's wish! Which I think makes it official; so you may now curl up with Ruby, the book/movie/teevee show of your choice, and a sweet or savory treat (or both; it's your birthday, after all) and enjoy yourself without guilt or neighborly recriminations.
last week: "why am I getting these emails?" "it's receipting - the company has decided to go down to one email per account, and you, big boss, are the account holder." "Please look into sending them to somewhere where all of my department can get them" ::not my job.:: ::soooo not my job:::
later last week: ::ok fine.:: ::1 hour on hold with account services because main account email cannot be changed online. much bitching and moaning::
today: "the emails will now go to, on your request." "kthanksgreatjobbye" ::@@::
later today: 'why are we getting these emails?' "because your boss requested it." 'we don't want them - send them to [temp admin-assistant] and she'll stick them in a folder, k? ::so not my job. so not your job to decide that you'll be missing some important email about account service discontinuation or something:: feh. leaving... 3 months, 5 days - and counting. I wonder who will remember where that email address was when I'm gone...
but the question for the hivemind is this:
- I need to get bigboss to ok or quash any change to the email... and I am NOT going to have the vendor shift it to a single-named email again, nor do I want to do this again - it is a huge waste of everyone's time. but all I have is the email from 3 of her staff that says "we don't want to receive these" after she asked for them to do so. Do I reply to middle-manager 1 and suggest that bigboss needs pulled into conversation in order to ok any change (and set out the reasons why)? Do I resist my urge to cc: bigboss on the "we don't care" and "sorry to be a pain" emails? help, hivemind - you'll know what to do.