I am printing out file labels to replace all the handwritten ones so that the file project I am working on will be PRETTY! After this, I will work on a color coding system. I may need to print out some file labels for the homestead also.
A girl after my own heart.
Reason #10394891356 why I love the Buffistas.
Last night, I was dusting my book/media shelves, and I was actually doing a good job of weeding out some books/tapes/dvds, and also taking great delight in reorganizing my videotapes (Brit TV together, with Doctor Who followed by Torchwood, and then all my boring PBS/History Channel documentaries together--I use those tapes to fall asleep to). Oh, and I was able to realphabetize my CDs, as well!
Dangit, catching up just cause I've ended up on a 2-11 sleep schedule and y'all had to go and discuss trans issues before I was awake? Hrmph!
That said, I know a lot of trans guys. Most of them, you wouldn't look twice at on the street. A couple are kinda short, for guys. But the full beard tends to indicate. A few are extremely hot, muscled, etc, and you would never guess...unless their pants are off. From what I hear, bottom surgery is not that useful, for FTMs. Not to mention expensive as hell--most of the guys I know have managed to scrape up the thousands of dollars to get their top surgery done, because binding the breasts every day and not being able to take your shirt off sucks, and is a constant reminder of the girl thing. But if bottom surgery doesn't really get you a functioning dick, AND costs like, 10-15K? Also, for some people, testosterone makes your clit get really big--not quite dick-sized, but a couple inches long.
On a completely different topic discussed earlier, seems like some people will say "OMG, my parents let me drink wine when I was ten, and then I started sneaking their booze, and now I'm an alcoholic" and others will say it saved them from seeing booze as an issue. No idea how the hell your'e supposed to tell which group your kid would fit into...
Probably more financially solvent men out there than men with (as she put it) lady parts.
Hah! I know some, but most of htem would not be down with carrying the baby, is the other thing...
Now I should really go be productive. My new boss emailed and was like "I won't inundate you with info til closer to your start date!" Maybe I'll go catch up on Scrabulous on Facebook now...
Bah. Stupid knee. Most of the time it's fine, but every so often I'll be walking and suddenly one step will result in intense pain. Can't tell how I'm stepping differently to cause the pain.
Ooh, I found an ibuprofin in my desk drawer. Yay! I won't have to walk two blocks to the grocery store....
er, and I should add, a lot of the trans guys I know DO end up getting hysterectomies/oophorectomies, partly as a health risk issue, to prevent cancer and stuff, and stop the female hormones from ever coming back. Apparently it's kinda funny when a bearded man is waiting for the gynecologist for a pre-surgery checkup, and confuses everyone in the waiting room...
This is sad....
Parents didn't expect daughter to die during prayer
WESTON, Wis. - The mother of an 11-year-old girl who died of untreated diabetes said Wednesday that she did not know her daughter was terminally ill as she prayed for her to get better.
Madeline Neumann died Sunday from a treatable form of diabetes.
Her mother, Leilani Neumann, told The Associated Press that she never expected her daughter, whom she called Kara, to die. The family believes in the Bible, and it says healing comes from God, but they are not crazy, religious people, she said.
"We just noticed a tiredness within the past two weeks," she said. "And then just the day before and that day (she died), it suddenly just went to a more serious situation. We stayed fast in prayer then. We believed that she would recover. We saw signs that to us, it looked like she was recovering."
Her daughter had no fever and there was warmth in her body, she explained.
The family does not belong to an organized religion or faith, Leilani Neumann said.
"We just believe in the Bible, that's all," she said. "This is our faith."
According to Vergin, the parents told investigators Madeline last saw a doctor when she was 3 to get some shots. The girl had attended public school during the first semester but didn't return for the second semester, he said.
Now I'm curious what these people's idea of "crazy, religious people" is....
they are not crazy, religious people
just plain ol' bad parents/idiots.
Chicago Tribune interview with the Fug women: [link]
Well, undiagnosed diabetes can be hard....but still. Glad ot see in teh article that someone had called 911, even if it was too little too late.
Kathy, he's recovering slowly. We'll know more once the final lab results from the amputation come back. Thanks for asking.
Ok, giving up on internet and tech support now. Useless. Shower and lunch it is.