::rolls eyes forever::
What really kills me is that parents hand their kids these cards. But who's going to be ranting if Susie's shifty friend lifts it from her purse and uses it?
I've had two nasty encounters with wives who are APPALLED I won't let them use their husband's card. "I can call him on the phone right now!"
And I'm like, "How the hell do I know who you're calling?" It's so ridiculous in this day and age. GET YOUR OWN CARD.
I keep having banana malfunctions.
sara, I'm not sure I want to know....
I did this more than once when I worked at my friends' store. Oop!
It's like the awareness test! We're so focused on the signature we miss the moonwalking bear.
Fuckers won't peel right.
I am so looking forward to going home and ... mopping my kitchen for a second time today. And moving the fridge to mop under there. And possibly mop the cabinets.
Bed Bath and Beyond's purchasing workflow is filled with "Show card to cashier" prompts. They're not looking.
I do know I can grab a card and run to the Starbucks near krav and get pretty much anything I want and they won't look at the card. No signature required. I'm sure (or at least am hoping) that it's just that my dollar value has been low, and that's why they haven't asked for
beyond swiping it.
it's just that my dollar value has been low, and that's why they haven't asked for anything beyond swiping it.
Yeah, there's a certain cutoff, below which they don't need to have you sign. I think around $8, but I'm not sure.
At Walgreen's, they don't make you sign if it's under $20, at least. Maybe $25.
I think with Starbucks (and some other place I visited recently), they don't need you to sign for anything under $20 or $25.
I was lazy about changing the name on my credit card after I got married, and for about 9 months, my CC did not match my driver's license. Cashiers regularly asked to see my license and compared the two, but no one ever mentioned that the names were totally
different. My signature is pretty much the same illegible scrawl, so I guess that's all they were looking at.
At Whole Foods you don't have to sign if it's under $50.