You guys. I got mail nails done again tonight. And my eyebrows. I'm totally about to become one of those women.
Luckily, I live in the land of cheap nail places. I'm excited that my preferred place is doing well, apparently, even with a newer place across the street -- they just did some work on the space, with permits and everything!
D'you reckon that in the 60s when they were making Star Trek that there were all sorts of karate-like chops that render people unconscious but maybe we just haven't discovered them all yet? And I'm not even talking about the Vulcan nerve pinch--all these guys are almost Emma Peelesque in their chop fu.
I love that William Shatner's wearing a wrap top.
Ugh. Still haven't pulled the trigger on the hard drive repair. I'd have to drive out to him and everything. It's like phone anxiety writ large. I want my data back. I just don't want to deal with the whole thing this way. Lazy, asocial, and avoidant--that's me.
Ugh. Still haven't pulled the trigger on the hard drive repair.
it sounds complicated. I don't want my data complicated. are you concerned he's duping your data if he's the kind of guy you say? Or does he know enough about you to know better than to do that?
Short film about a useless dog. [link]
are you concerned he's duping your data if he's the kind of guy you say? Or does he know enough about you to know better than to do that?
I'm concerned he'll look. I don't want him all up in my stuff. And no, he knows
no better. Blackmailing Tom Cruise? WTF? But it's the only chance I have at affording to get my data off that thing, though.
So, I have a friend with MS diag in the past year. They're thinking about entering a clinical trial and have asked advice. As I know jack shit about that sort of thing, does anyone here know more than jack shit? If so, let me know and I'll email you with the anonymous particulars, as they have good reason to keep it from employers.
sara, you may want to email Deb G. She has MS.
Well, it is more about the ins and outs of clinical trials and the drugs in the trial, which I suspect Deb avoids.