are you concerned he's duping your data if he's the kind of guy you say? Or does he know enough about you to know better than to do that?
I'm concerned he'll look. I don't want him all up in my stuff. And no, he knows
no better. Blackmailing Tom Cruise? WTF? But it's the only chance I have at affording to get my data off that thing, though.
So, I have a friend with MS diag in the past year. They're thinking about entering a clinical trial and have asked advice. As I know jack shit about that sort of thing, does anyone here know more than jack shit? If so, let me know and I'll email you with the anonymous particulars, as they have good reason to keep it from employers.
sara, you may want to email Deb G. She has MS.
Well, it is more about the ins and outs of clinical trials and the drugs in the trial, which I suspect Deb avoids.
So, I have a friend with MS diag in the past year. They're thinking about entering a clinical trial and have asked advice. As I know jack shit about that sort of thing, does anyone here know more than jack shit? If so, let me know and I'll email you with the anonymous particulars, as they have good reason to keep it from employers
Meara or I can probably help with any questions about trials, in general.
Yeah, I was about to say, I don't know much about the current state of MS research, but I can certainly talk all about the ins and outs of participating in a clinical trial!! Feel free to email me, or have her email me (yahoo, mearagirl)
OMG. Another totally cool way to propose to someone - in zero-g! [link]
The picture of her surprised look as they float about in the plane is awesome....
This past weekend I went on a Zero-G flight out of Las Vegas, and was thrilled to see that they use shots of your flight in the training video (I loudly said 'I know her' and then realized that that was, of course, a lie). Thought you'd like to know, it was very cool.
While floating around in no gravity, my boyfriend proposed.
It was great.
Aw, thanks. I just sent you what was sent to me. You may have no insights, but I figured I'd toss it to a wider pool ( I have NO insights and this one has been important to me even as we've barely stayed in touch.)