It just sounds easier to me to hire a mover, get it all done in a couple hours, in one trip. I can move everything I can lift into the place at the asscrack o' dawn, and then have movers take the heavy shit.
t unsolicited advice
If you are going to have movers anyway, as long as everything is boxed, just have them move the boxes. Especially books which are heavy.
If you want the number of the non-homosexual, non-expensive, non-ripper-offer movers we used, just let me know.
If you want the number of the non-homosexual, non-expensive, non-ripper-offer movers we used, just let me know.
what's wrong with gay movers? They might be helpful in choosing paint colors :)
Ugh. They're showing my place tomorrow at 10am. I don't have time to clean!
If you are going to have movers anyway, as long as everything is boxed, just have them move the boxes. Especially books which are heavy.
Oh, my, yes. The movers are used to carrying multiple boxes on their backs, and can move so fast in getting things into the truck. The first time I had enough boxes to move, the movers blew my mind by taking three of them at once and balancing them on their backs with strips of cloth wrapped around them being the only thing keeping them together. One little old man (my move was the last of his career) who was no more than 5'4" was taking three big boxes at once, which were almost as tall as he was, it seemed.
Have read instructions for task supervisor asked me to do. At least 75% of the instructions are incomprehensible and require a level of familiarity with the task that I do not have.
I was looking for this story about a long-haired Chihuahua that is "praying" in a Japanese temple and found this much older story about a pack of feral Chihuahuas. I wonder whatever happened to them.
the last time I half moved myself, I did stuff like use suitcases for all my clothes (making multiple trips) and a combo of large shopping bags/shoe boxes for bathroom, bedroom misc., kitchen drawers - then I boxed up the heavy stuff for movers.
Allyson, I wouldn't worry about cleaning.
Vortex, the gay movers were actually one of the most expensive and they did not return phone calls in a timely manner. Then, even though they had given me a written quote for $75/hour, when I spoke with the guy on the phone to confirm dates, times, etc., he said it would be $105/hour and that the written quote was wrong.
Not my favorite experience.