Driving a truck, especially on narrow-ish streets can be nervous-making at first, but eventually you get a sense of how much space you're taking up and it gets a lot easier.
eta: If you have to maneuver in a small space (especially backing up) it's a good idea to get someone outside to guide you....
I predict failure.
Don't predict. Just do. If you fail, do again. But wait until actual failure before dealing with it.
Gnargh. I know a guy who can do hard drive recovery for me for cheap. And I need my data. But the guy...let's just say he's one of the guys that tried to extort money from Tom Cruise over his wedding photos. msbelle, you just got a data recovery quote--you know how insane prices are. This is the only possible way I can afford it.
I just don't want to make the call.
yeah, I am kinda ignoring my data issues at the moment. a guy at work is getting me a program to try - If I get that soon I will pass it on to you. Otherwise, I need to go to the trusty mac store adn just pay up, but I think I'd like to know if a tax refund is coming before I do that.
Sudden attack of apathy. Have work to do. Cannot bring myself to care.
Random health news - apparently, taking Ginkgo biloba and ibuprofen at the same time can result in "Fatal intracerebral mass bleeding."
Driving a truck, especially on narrow-ish streets can be nervous-making at first, but eventually you get a sense of how much space you're taking up and it gets a lot easier.
When I drove the U-Haul to move to NYC, it turned out I was moving onto a very narrow street. I totally nearly took someone's mirror off. Oops. That did not get easier -- the beginning of the drive was wide DC streets and then highways, so it was more or less OK, but then I had to go through the tunnel, through Manhattan, and on to this narrow street. Traumatic!
I've driven a U-Haul van in Manhattan once, and it was once too much. I need big wide suburban streets for those things. (And I learned to drive on a full-size van, so it's not like I was unfamiliar with the car as such. Just...not in Manhattan. Scary.)
AND they gave me a "free upgrade," so I was driving a larger truck than I even wanted.
Never again. Now I hire movers.
Otherwise, I need to go to the trusty mac store
What I will say about the trusty mac store and my recent hard drive loss is that they were really, really realistic about what they could and could not do for me. In the end, they didn't charge me at all for about 6 hours attention. Actually getting data off (if what were possible, which is was not) would have cost, but they didn't give me false hope in exchange for the chingching. I was graterful.
The drive from Allyson's to Colin's isn't bad, but the drive down his driveway to the street is the sort I'd hate. I make Colin back my Jetta out.