Okay. I got the boxes out of the trunk. Going to start packing decorative crap, my books and DVDs, kitchen stuff I don't use often.
Kat, can I swing by tomorrow to pick up my ladder? Ima wash and pack curtains, and taking down the lighting accents. I figure I only have 9 full days to sort, pack, tidy up. And at least one of those is going to be spent at the new place cleaning and getting the fridge and stove delivered.
Oy. This is a big scary exciting pain in the ass awesome thing.
I also don't get birds
Unless they're corvids or predators (i.e., hawks), I don't get them either. I don't like 'em.
Oh Scrappy, I'm so sorry. I will be holding you tight in my heart.
Am I the only one wierded out by the stove and fridge thing? I've never lived in a place where that wasn't standard. Granted that's been military bases and the DC/MD/VA area, but still!
No, I find it extremely odd, teh stove and fridge thing. I checked, before moving here to Seattle, because I remembered being so taken aback by hearing about the fridge and stove thing from Aimee and MM.
I've come across it a few times here, in MI, and in Montreal. Not something I'm eager to get into.
Ugh. Head hurts too much to sleep.
God, I'm not liking this weekend.
The Pad Thai yesterday was homemade and delicious, but those rice noodles were a bad idea for me to eat, and I'm paying for it with insomnia and discomfort. At least I don't have to go anywhere today, nor is there any barrier to me taking a nap or three if I feel like it.
The fridge and stove thing is totally weird. Why would you make a renter bring their own major appliances?? Why????
Skipping to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is a double Buffista birthday, both Raq's as well as Kathy A's.
Happy birthday, Raq! Happy birthday, Kathy! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Because of the holiday, neither the Unemployment website or Telecert number is available to register my weekly update. I hope they expect me to update them tomorrow, idiots.