Did they disappear because they made hips look big?
I bet that's it. My former-model coworker said something one time in a conversation about fitting pants about her "big hips," until I forced her to admit that her hips are small, it's just that her waist is smaller.
Weekends, huh? I'm gonna include Friday.
Friday morning was very somber at work because the day before we received news that a friend/coworker's fiance was in the ICU, diagnosed with leukemia, and unconscious with a blood clot in her brain. Several people planned to visit the hospital that afternoon but I had to go work at another theatre first. While working at the other theatre in the afternoon I learned that a designer I often work with has cancer and is about to have a portion of intestine removed. Friday evening I make it to the hospital. I arrive too late.
Saturday morning, quick and dirty tech/remount of a show with a cranky director. Whatever. Afternoon, laundry. Evening, attend a 1st rehearsal/read thru and chat with scenic designer and director.
Sunday, light hang for another show. Bring a change of clothes and leave early to attend visitation. Skip the other 1st rehearsal/read thru I was supposed to be at. Crash.
Today I need to draft a light plot and at least get started on another. I should also vacuum (I hate vacuuming) and do more laundry.
It was so nice and warm today that DH and I took Dylan to the Prospect Park Zoo to see the new baby kangaroo. We are now home and attempting an afternoon nap.
I've overhauled my vacuum cleaner...given it a new lease on life. Very proud.
Chicago folks, I just learned that Johnny Depp and Christian Bale will be shooting a movie here in March.
I have done three loads of laundry and made my bed with clean sheets (yay!). I have also done dishes. I am about to drop off dry cleaning and get my headlight short fixed. Then grading. Go team productivity. There will be cookies with lunch.
In further annals of parenting: my son just vomited copiously. On me. Specifically, on my breast and stomach. Joy.
Jessica - really dumb question insent
eta: oh flea. so sorry.