Your Daily Muffin is the new newspaper I'm going to start! I had the most delicious lemon poppyseed muffin (whitey) today!!
This all fits into my "be as happy as possible about the small things" philosophy
Okay this made me cry a little too (Hormones? Enough!) but it's such a great thing to do. I need to practice that like a lot.
Oh! Brett Favre is crying on my computer. [link]
Kat, in solidarity with you, I just went down to the deli and got a blueberry muffin.
Now, as a whitey, I will eat it.
I am unhappy with my lunch as well-- It was a "Turkey Wellington" which was turkey and spinsch in puff pastry with tzatzeki sauce. And it would have been good but the turkey was all weird and tendony and reminded me of the meat I had as a child.
Amen, good reverend Tep.
I want my spasm thing to heal, because I am going bananas. I have a conference call at ten, and that will help me feel a bit less useless.
But like, I'm stuck in my messy house and I can't even CLEAN because I can't really move very well.
Useless am I. USELESS. I may just go get a movie before I take the muscle relaxer and can't drive so at least I can stare at the teevee and ignore the dirty kitchen floor and the laundry that needs folding.
But like, I'm stuck in my messy house and I can't even CLEAN because I can't really move very well.
Dude, LET IT HEAL. You do not want to fuck up your back.
I think what Tep is trying to say is, ENJOY YOUR FRELLING MUFFIN, WHITEY!
I brought my lunch, but ended up going out with a co-worker and getting a slice of pizza, which was totally unsatisfying. Now i'm debating on if I should also eat my other lunch.
So, I've been thinking about Have a Muffin, Whitey.
And for me it's not a muffin.... it should be Have a Cupcake, Whitey. I mean, I just had a chocolate chip muffin. That's not even a muffin. That's a cupcake!
Plei, tell about the new house! and congrats!