Amen, good reverend Tep.
I want my spasm thing to heal, because I am going bananas. I have a conference call at ten, and that will help me feel a bit less useless.
But like, I'm stuck in my messy house and I can't even CLEAN because I can't really move very well.
Useless am I. USELESS. I may just go get a movie before I take the muscle relaxer and can't drive so at least I can stare at the teevee and ignore the dirty kitchen floor and the laundry that needs folding.
But like, I'm stuck in my messy house and I can't even CLEAN because I can't really move very well.
Dude, LET IT HEAL. You do not want to fuck up your back.
I think what Tep is trying to say is, ENJOY YOUR FRELLING MUFFIN, WHITEY!
I brought my lunch, but ended up going out with a co-worker and getting a slice of pizza, which was totally unsatisfying. Now i'm debating on if I should also eat my other lunch.
So, I've been thinking about Have a Muffin, Whitey.
And for me it's not a muffin.... it should be Have a Cupcake, Whitey. I mean, I just had a chocolate chip muffin. That's not even a muffin. That's a cupcake!
Plei, tell about the new house! and congrats!
holy smokes! a cute and perfect easter gift: [link]
And let me just say: wow, that muffin was exactly what I was wanting, even though I didn't know I wanted it until Kat posted about *her* muffin.
Nom nom nom.
Oh! Brett Favre is crying on my computer. [link]
Cannot. Watch. Will tear up my own damn self.
Amen, Tep!
In celebration of Jesse's Food Manifesto, I am having a burrito today. Nom.
Allyson, please to let yourself heal.
I am having a burrito today. Nom.
oh I wish I was in SF today so I could have a burrito (whitey). I can't get them anywhere else. They're just not right to me.