Dana! Did you get to caucus??? What was it like?
I had a rehearsal for a concert this weekend. I got home, and there was footage on the news of a caucus site where cops had been called out to control the crowd. Some places apparently didn't even get started until like 11.
I save at least $1/week by air drying everything but sheets and big towels
Where do you find the room to air dry two people's worth of laundry? Especially when one is a kid?
I am not at jury duty. hee.
I have 2 of these: [link]
and several of these: [link]
and I do laundry every week.
I don't have the floorspace to do that, even when I'm not going overboard on krav (I figure me on krav is a bit like a second person). My apartment's not laid out that way.
I think I pulled a muscle in the middle of my back. I'm teetering on the edge of going to urgent care because the pain is so bad. It knocks the wind out of me if I turn too quickly. And then I think, "what the hell is urgent care going to do for a pulled muscle?"
Nothing, that's what. And it'll be a total waste of my day.
I airdry almost everything, too, and I have weirdly, extra closet space and I use one as a drying closet.
And then I think, "what the hell is urgent care going to do for a pulled muscle?"
In my case, they shot me up with happy drugs and sent me home.
Mmmm...happy drugs...blargleargleargle...
I dry in my living room, it usually just takes overnight, sometimes an extra day while I am at work, and then the dryers get put away until the next week.
Allyson, they could give you some Flexeril and that would make it worth the trip.