Whatever, people. I want Spring temperatures to go along with the Spring hours.
What are you talking about? It's totally spring like here. I've got baseball practice tomorrow in a field of daffodils after we shoo off the newborn lambs, and get the easter eggs out of the dugout. Later we dance around the maypole in leprechaun outfits. Couldn't be more springlike.
This soon? I seem to recall I'm very pro this, but still. It does engender whiplash.
I'm bouncing through Flickr and seeing what people are doing to their photos to make them all cool looking, and although I have Photoshop I'm a longtime Paintshop Pro user, and don't speak the language.
This is too early to move the clocks forward because it's only barely thinking about being light when I wake up. It'll be like December again on the morning end for a week or two there.
The real winner in the Texas primaries was our Speaker of the House Tom Craddick, who threw tons of money at primary challengers to the Republicans who dared question his leadership and to the Dems who are loyal to him. Despite his belief that he wields absolute power in the House, and despite his unwillingness to play ball with anyone who opposes him, he won almost every contest. 'Cause we're a bunch of freakin' idiots in this state!
Three beers are a bad idea on a weeknight.
We totally have to trade red-state idiot stories, dude.
I so feel you on this.
Signed: Ask me How Much I Don't Like John McCain.
I will stop reading political blogs. They do not help my blood pressure.
I will stop reading political blogs. They do not help my blood pressure.
I will stop reading political blogs. They do not help my blood pressure...
...why is it so hard to look away when I know it's better for me?
Awww, such a cutiehead with the Alyson Hannigan love.
Ugh, I have been enjoying waking with the sun again. Stupid time change. I don't really want to give up the hour yet either. Evening light is good, but they could wait another month.
Yesterday's Jeopardy had a question with the answer of "Who is Alyson Hannigan?", and nobody got it right! Idiots. (It was the category of "Costumes," and the girl was wearing the band camp t-shirt, gave the quote, and everything, and nobody knew her name. Hmpf.)
I'm bummed because I'm in the middle of doing way overdue laundry, and have already lost $1 in quarters in a washer and found out that another washer's spin cycle isn't all that effective since the clothes were still pretty wet when I took them out. Now, I'm a quarter shy of being able to do a second load of drying if those clothes don't dry that well the first time around. Double hmpf.