Miniature Pigs: Pets of the Future
The smartest person in England has bred a new kind of pet pig, one that fits in the palm of your hand! Chris Murray's Pennywell Miniature pigs recently gave birth to eight piglets at his farm in Devon. According to this article on, Murray wanted a kind of pig "that children can enjoy giving...a cuddle." Hmm....creepy.
This is where the meat for those tiny little sandwiches they serve at tea time comes from...
Anyhoo, Murray is trying to sell them in pairs so they always have a companion and claims that they are easy to house train. He just sold a couple to some British celebrity that we've never heard of at about $150 US (1.5 UK Pounds) a pop.
They are kinda' cute - in a miniature piglet kind of way. And if the whole pet thing doesn't work out - free bacon!
I need to know how big the pigs get. They have to reach a certain size or bacon's not practical. Still, you could roast your own personal pig like a Cornish hen. That could be cool.
you could roast your own personal pig like a Cornish hen.
With a little crabapple in its mouth!
ignoring ita.
I want a couple of those pigs so bad, I don't even know. OMG!
With a little crabapple in its mouth!
My dinner is bound to be unsatisfying in comparison.
Another Photoshop question--I get actions and brushes--what's a texture?
OMG those pigs are cute as hell!
Are those full size-- cause although cute, I am not sure I would want a pig smaller than a cat! But they are cute!!!
much ~~ma to Trudy's aunt.
We seem to be having some sort of ice storm. I am torn on whether it would be better to catch the bus (normally comes at 8:56, but could be delayed because of weather) or call a cab, which could be dangerous cause cab drivers are crazy. The thing about buses where I am is that they only come every hour, so if you miss your transfer, you could be stuck outside for up to an hour waiting.
I want one of those pigs! I will name him Kosher! And we will be BFF!!!