we could certainly do 'life enhancement services'
"Okay, so, here's our pitch; you are the half-breed spawn of a demon and a Puerto Rican junkie prostitute. You were raised in Bogota by a cult of cyborg monks intent on bringing about the Apocalypse, but your half-human nature meant you have a soul and a conscience. Having met and befriended a bisexual mage over the Internet you fled the cult and formed a group of heroic second-raters, a 'Dirty Dozen' kind of thing, that includes a pixie-ish schizophrenic otaku with whom you have a torrid affair while angsting over your unresolved attraction to the techno mage. At the end you defeat the cult using a mix of cobbled together technological wizardry, ancient Babylonian mysticism and pure gumption."
"Isn't this supposed to be passed off as 'non-fiction'?"
"Yes. Why?"
Probably not the kind of deviled eggs that go in your belly, tommyrot.
They're turning 2 this Sunday! They are RIDICULOUS CUTE with the crazy language acquisition, both verbal and sign. Some recentish pictures:
Oh, look! They're not babies, any more. They still are RIDICULOUS CUTE, though. Look at all that hair on Jack! Zoe somehow has the look of a China Doll/Cambell Soup kid. I love them so much.
I do hope that the internal squishy stress spooge isn't toxic or I might develop superpowers and have to assemble my own fantastic four team, and I think we all know that I'm not terribly invested in fighting crime.
Wait, I thought the plans was develop superpowers, start fantastic circus, go forth and recruit cute musicians in eyeliner. Did I miss a memo again?
How annoying.
Nuh-uh! You are articulating the rant that is in my head, but isn't able to come out because I need more tea or something.
Wait, I thought the plans was develop superpowers, start fantastic circus, go forth and recruit cute musicians in eyeliner. Did I miss a memo again?
Sorry. I'm like an uncaffeinated Way today.
They're not babies, any more. They still are RIDICULOUS CUTE, though.
Seriously even cuter in person. They have been attempting to say my name recently, well, Jack has. I think Zoe thinks it's funnier to refuse to say it. So far the closest he's come (in my hearing) is 'Ssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'.
According to my librarian-schooled roommate, there are actually LoC categories for past life memoirs, and novels dictated by dead people. Because you're going to have to cross-list them somehow.
The things I could do, if only I took myself a little more seriously...because I do actually have regular conversations with my characters, but it never occurred to me to treat that as anything more than a quirk of my imagination.
I'm like an uncaffeinated Way today.
Oh, dear.
floods Chicago with coffee
Jilli, I thought the plan was start fantastic band and have a costume battle with MCR? With shrift as the tiny rhythm guitarist?
Jilli, I thought the plan was start fantastic band and have a costume battle with MCR? With shrift as the tiny rhythm guitarist?
I'm good with either plan as long as it means I end up discussing eyeliner and the lack of good vampire novels with the elder Way brother. That is, when he isn't discussing the problems with painting goblins with Pete.
One of my online communities used to have a member who would talk about how Admiral Husband Kimmel (who commanded Pearl Harbor, btw) spoke to her on a regular basis. As I recall, he was concerned with how history remembered him....