Yoiks, Allyson! Glad you and the car are okay, but that shit is always so stressful.
couldn't eat steak because the fat was gross and the chewy muscly-ness was disgusting.
I just grilled myself a dry-aged steak and relished all the crispy yummy fat and chewy muscly-ness. Kat says I'm a little atavistic in my eating habits.
The only fresh veggie in my house was a yellow bell pepper, so I grilled and ate that, too. Yum.
Yikes Allyson! I'm glad you are okay.
eek Allyson! I'm glad you and the car are okay, but yikes! still stressy and icky.
I am really not a picky eater, but am definitely pinged by some foods, like liver, green peppers, snails. Not sure what they all have in common short of making me gag.
Sheesh, Allyson, that's definitely nerve rattling. Try putting some lemon in your Cuba Libre (rum+coke).
Glad you're OK, Allyson!
I love green peppers if they're raw or lightly cooked enough to still have some crunch, but when they're cooked enough to be slippery...ugh. I definitely have texture issues. I'm fine with pudding, gravy, etc., but once the food has any hint of being slimy, forget it.
Once again, I find myself needing the help of the hivemind so I can fake expertise on a topic for a scene in my novel:
A talented but out-of-practice violinist observes a beginner absolutely butchering a piece. What's a simple suggestion he might make? Something along the lines of "Your tone would be better if you'd do X," or "You'd find it easier to keep a true pitch if you tried Y."
A cellist friend of mine used to complain bitterly that kids trained in high schools and so on were never taught to hold the bow correctly, as this means a whole lot of difference in tone and loudness, as well as avoiding RSIs.
I woke up 15 minutes ago, which is at least an hour past my usual time -- the cats were quite disgusted AND I have to get a move on or I'll be late, so all my usual morning activities have to be skipped and/or sped through.
At least the cats got fed, which is probably the most important, and not just because it's their opinion that counts.
Allyson, I'm glad you're ok!
Yoiks! Allyson! Glad you're ok.
Allyson, I'm glad you're okay. Good on you for remaining calm when you needed to, and giving advice where needed.
I had a two hour meeting yesterday and there's a 1 hour meeting scheduled today (same people) that will probably run over. Budget Season, blerg. (Which is followed by Annual Review Season, which isn't a whole lot of fun, either.)