I'm kind of getting used to the new Word, but still save most things in compatible mode. And I really need to fix the new document defaults. But it turns out, I hardly ever make new documents.
I was in a 2.5 hour staff meeting. Luckily, it's at most every two weeks.
People like Word 2003 better? Or is there something in between?
I just finished eating lunch (a nice big salad, with lots of lettuce, celery, and bell peppers, with some green onion and cheddar tossed in--yum!!). I'm back on the Seattle Sutton diet food, but today's lunch (cabbage roll with brussel sprouts--yuck!) is not good at all, which is why I ditched it for the salad bar instead. Tonight's dinner is pizza, which SS does tolerably well. Breakfast tomorrow is pancake and sausage--more yum!
It blows, sucks, and eats decaying donkey balls. The first time I saw it I didn't even recognize it as Word.
AAAAIGH! The woman in the cubicle across from mine just picked her ear
with a hairpin.
I don't think I can ever look her in the eye again, ever.
Oh, and I finally got my 15th-anniversary gift from work this morning--a 45-piece set of stainless steel flatware (the only useful thing I saw in the catalog). The pattern isn't my favorite, but, hey, it's free!
It beats my old dwindling supply of flatware, which I got along with the plates which my dad bought for his apartment when he divorced Mom thirty years ago.
I really should think about replacing the plates next, but whenever I think about it and shop for patterns, nothing grabs my attention.
you should make them t-shirts with this on them
They would totally wear them if I did, especially if I changed it to, "It's fuzzy puppy cuddle time, motherfuckers!"
actually, I think I have inertia.
What's wrong with you guys?
I just got sucked into a 20-minute long conversation which went something like:
Me & two other people: Our clients reallyreallyreally want X, which our competitors' websites have but ours doesn't. We should move implementing X to the top of the priority list.
Boss: But they don't really *need* Y, do they? Why do they want Y anyway? We need to figure out what their REAL needs are and do that.
M&2OP: Y was just a workaround because we couldn't do X. X is what we're asking for. Forget Y. We want X.
Boss: But they don't really *need* Y, do they? Why do they want Y anyway? We need to figure out what their REAL needs are and do that.
...and so on. Kill me now.