::gathers up The Whole Wide World, Nurse Betty and Bridget Jones (both 1 and 2) into her arms, croons, "Don't listen to the blue-haired meanie, no matter how cool her hair is. I like you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE"::
::also gathers up Chicago and whispers, "Don't listen to the red-headed voluptuary either. She likes black licorice and Marmite, or maybe Vegemite. Obviously she's mad. Smoking hot, but mad."::
Do you have Matilda already? Can I run home to all your arms?
I finally watched Fucking Ben Affleck, and it was funny, except for being homophobic... I do like seeing who's actually friends in real life.
stands proudly with JZ in the Zellweger corner.
I don't love RZ's face, but if leading men can have "interesting" faces as long as they can act, leading ladies should be able to as well.
The Whole Wide World
Zellweger gets a decent amount of my goodwill on the strength of that film alone. God, I love that movie. (Also: it contains one of the hottest kisses from my recent memory)
Science Geeks are the coolest!
Extreme Wood made me do my loud donkey laugh. The guy pointing just looks so darned *happy* about Extreme Wood!
Quite possibly, the That Will Leave A Stain kid learned from experience.
OK, so I discovered another childhood friend has opened her gallery and in addition to representing other artists, is exhibiting and selling again. I guess this means I need to contact insurance to make sure the 4 pieces (3 a set) I have of hers is covered. It's mostly that I LIKE IT and it is, to me, irreplaceable, but I probably should get on it in case I die and they'll fund the nephews' college education (or pin money. Or my disposal fees.).
Anybody else remember the opaque white glass mugs from McDonalds that had a sun face on them? Probably 70s.
I have no idea where that memory came from. They were in the irregular (read: donated) dishes stock up at the Blue Mesa observatory housing and they just popped into my head. And now I'm being flooded with memories and smells and sounds.
if leading men can have "interesting" faces as long as they can act, leading ladies should be able to as well.
No arguments here. Make no mistake - my white-hot burning loathing for RZ is entirely based on her atrocious acting. I didn't hate her face until she decided to give up eating.
I have to admit, I think RZ was great in Bridget Jones. That sort of blithely cluelessness worked in that movie.