Did anyone here watch last night's Desperate Housewives?
I just finished watching it. I loved
Nathan Fillion's character just taking the car from the guy that stopped to help him. It actually reminded me of something Mal would do rather something from Drive.
Also, the
fast forward at the end was interesting. I wonder if they're going to stick to it for all of next season? I feel bad that they'll have to recast all of Lynette's kids to do it though. Also, no Mike and Susan!
I read it, I don't think much about it, I cannot name any by sight.
I can't either. Though I like looking at new ones. They make me happy.
A former boss married a VP at Adobe. When they got married the only thing he cared about was the font on the invitations. Everything else was not important to him.
an open a and single tail g
Can you give examples of these?
I've put the dollhouse trailer back online...
I'm just tempted to keep slamming all these suggestions into my personal style sheet for default site font as they go by.
I resent OSes not shipping with what I'd consider even a basic font manager. The ability to see a sample sentence in uninstalled fonts to help pick one seems a fundamental enough piece of functionality. It should
there. So a font manager was one of the few applications I went out and bought, and am now realising I may have lost it in my crash.
How do you afficionados care and nurture yours?
Trust the Buffistas to enable a penchant for playing with fonts. My people!
I've gotta put in a shout out for Bookman Old Style, my new favourite. I was so damn excited that I was allowed to write my dissertation in something *other* than Times New Roman, which I hate with the fire of a thousand suns. And so began my love affair with Bookman.