Trust the Buffistas to enable a penchant for playing with fonts. My people!
I've gotta put in a shout out for Bookman Old Style, my new favourite. I was so damn excited that I was allowed to write my dissertation in something *other* than Times New Roman, which I hate with the fire of a thousand suns. And so began my love affair with Bookman.
What's so great about that that you choose it over something that's more mature than alpha?
I am spoiled about fonts, because I have Pete, who will tweak a font until it's exactly what I want. With that said, I am terribly fond of Ogred Weary. [link]
Oooh, and Chocolate Box! [link]
Oh, I *like* Chocolate Box!
Chocolate Box! I have a new fav. It works on so many levels.
I don't like fonts that have no true lower-case.
I'm pretty sure that Chocolate Box is what Pete fiddled with to make the GCS font.
I want to make signs and storefronts and t-shirts and brochures with Chocolate Box. V. nice.
t edit
Actually, I have to do a brochure for the nuns in June; maybe I should buy Chocolate Box for that. I think it would totally work for "Hi! We're the Ursulines!"
Chocolate Box looks like an excellent titling font. Very sturdy and authoritative.