I don't think it's so much early adopters as early deciders.
This is what I am beginning to understand. I just can't do that. I am incapable of thinking about all the things I am not going to like. My brain pretty much just gets focused on the things I think I am going to like. I'm just wired that way.
I wouldn't call it deciding, personally. It's more of a wariness born of prior experience with seemingly similar themes handled by some of the same people.
bad pings about the Geek Trio mind-controling Warren's ex, and the Buffybot, and the sexbot in Serenity, and even Inara to some degree. He's gone back to that theme several times and it hasn't gotten more illuminating or deconstructed the stereotype. It pings kind of icky.
Specifically, these themes. And yes, I know the dolls won't be purely sexbots, but sex has been explicitly mentioned.
I want to love this show. I hope it's the awesomest thing ever. I hope Joss and Tim and Eliza and Tahmoh and everyone really do some interesting things with the material. There's definitely potential for challenging the way young women, actors, are treated.
In light of recent posts, I feel I should downgrade my "squick" to a "bleh" since my issues are far less weighty.
I should note this is not my beautiful squick, but I'm afraid that a few tonal missteps could swamp popular engagement with the show.
All very interesting and thoughtful.
Gee, but it's nice to be on someone else's show for a while. All other things aside, I was at a particularly nostalgic stage when this came up. I was missing, well, Angel, actually. And Joss and all them that was. And since it's not my show, I get to do a little flying under the radar. When I'm under the protection of The Godfather, no real harm can come to me. When I told Liz and Sarah I had an idea for a two parter and they mentioned it to Joss before I could pitch it, he said, "do you think Tim would direct both parts?" Would I?
On my own shows, it's always a fight to get the PTBs to let me direct. Joss had me approved before I could even bring it up. Love that guy.
I missed the trailer. And am not squicked by the concept, but I read Vachss for entertainment so my squick-tolerance is pretty high. But what Jessica said about the "Ha ha, look, I acknowledged the issue so you can't fault me for it now!" thing. Either own it, or don't do it.
Also, I recently finished the entire Buffy series. The new full series boxed sets are awesome. I'd not really seen the show, believe it or not. Not with any kind of serious consistency. Now I'm all fan boy.
When I'm under the protection of The Godfather, no real harm can come to me.
Someday, he'll call upon you to do a service for him. Hopefully, it's not prettying up a corpse.
it's always a fight to get the PTBs to let me direct. Joss had me approved before I could even bring it up.
Sweet! Not to suck your chocolate salty balls, but I think you're an excellent director. I really loved the direction on "Out of Gas" and "Are You Now..." (you directed those right? I should check IMDB before I post...)
I'd not really seen the show, believe it or not. Not with any kind of serious consistency. Now I'm all fan boy.
It's a wonder we let you hang out with us.
Admit it, you would've found a way to bring back Vampire Willow.
Yeah, it was a pretty good show.