Hec, it's pinging me more as sexual abuse of children, rather than rape of an adult. For instance, the Actives have been described -- by Joss -- as being "childlike" when they live in the dollhouse between assignments.
Which is not to say that child sexual abuse is "worse" than rape of an adult, but there's a degree of extra-abhorrence in people who abuse children, given the children's lack of understanding about sexual matters in general.
Wow. I think I will have to stay away from b.org when this airs because my brain just goes nowhere near rape or child abuse even though I am pretty familiar with both.
I can see that, Tep. To me it still comes under sexual assault and exploitation tied up into one undigestible ball. I mean, I think the problem is the same - that the subject can't be used as a metaphor for something else. That it's very bad form to use sexual abuse and/or rape as a metaphor for how Hollywood demeans actresses.
It's related to the notion that you don't use the Holocaust as a metaphor for something else. Certain things are too visceral to be processed in a symbolic fashion.
Wow. I think I will have to stay away from b.org when this airs because my brain just goes nowhere near rape or child abuse even though I am pretty familiar with both.
I haven't prejudged it! I'm willing to meet the show on its own terms. I just think that it's a very large pitfall.
To me it still comes under sexual assault and exploitation tied up into one undigestible ball.
Right; like I said, neither one is really "worse" than the other. It's just that there's an extra-special abhorrence to child sexual abuse.
That it's very bad form to use sexual abuse and/or rape as a metaphor for how Hollywood demeans actresses.
Is that what it's supposed to be a metaphor for? I don't think I knew that.
Is that what it's supposed to be a metaphor for? I don't think I knew that.
Well, I'm extrapolating that from Joss describing his initial inspiration while talking to Eliza. That she saw her experience as an actress in Hollywood in the premise.
Tamara, b.org is filled with Whedon/Minear extreme early adopters. The show is probably not going to premiere for what, 8 months? People on b.org have already been thinking about the show's concept for at least four months while even most Whedon fans haven't even heard of the show yet. We don't know enough about the show to imagine how it will go right (which basically comes down to execution anyways) but we do know enough about it to imagine all the possible ways it can go wrong. And after four months, that's a lot of different ways...
In light of recent posts, I feel I should downgrade my "squick" to a "bleh" since my issues are far less weighty.
I respect the squick and can see where it comes from. It doesn't bother me that way, but I get it.
Personally, I'm really intrigued and excited by the trailer.
b.org is filled with Whedon/Minear extreme early adopters
I don't think it's so much early adopters as early deciders.