Tell her to rent Viva Blackpool. I thought it was the better version.
The original is just called
though. I think there was a sequel called
Viva Blackpool.
Oh, well, this is confusing. Apparently, they reran the original series and
called it
Viva Blackpool.
I think they changed the name when it aired here, for whatever reason. The version I had watched was definitely the original series but now with added "Viva."
David Tennant! Sarah Parrish!
That is all.
I have concerns about they ick-factor, but they come more from Tim's "primoridal misogyny" episode of Angel than anything in Seeing Red.<
Um, for the record, I was a) not the only writer on that ep (which I do still like, btw) and b) did not write the scene that develops the whole "primordial misogyny" idea. A writer who wasn't credited on that ep actually wrote that stuff. Joss. I did, however, write the scene at the end where Fred gives my theory. "This isn't something in you. It's something that was done to you." So there. Wah.
Which episode was that again?
Billy, Wolfram. I think. I actually really liked that episode. In fact after it aired I hunted Tim out on on the interwebs.
Of course. Thanks. (I liked that one too.)
Not really related, but I just started and finished season 1 of HIMYM and damn do I miss the Angel bunch.
Oh, well, this is confusing. Apparently, they reran the original series and also called it Viva Blackpool.
Blackpool was the original British name. Viva Blackpool is the "American" name. I don't understand why they had to add a word to the title for American viewers, but it's a Philosopher's Stone vs. Sorcerer's Stone sort of thing.
We can still give you shit for this old gang of mine, right?