The execution will be all (and I include casting as part of the execution), or near to it. I have concerns about they ick-factor, but they come more from Tim's "primoridal misogyny" episode of Angel than anything in Seeing Red.
Then again, I've never had a problem with Joss' sci-fi. I AM curious how sci-fi it will be. It could be a very hi-tech show, or it could be a modern day Prisoner-style show. I suspect it will be closer to that than to Firefly.
That's what I said!
bahahahahhah... I dunno why, I see massive and LJ and my mind went straight to DISagreement rather than what you wrote. Sorry for the misreading.
I like Joss and sci-fi. He clearly knows nothing about science, and I'm all about the fiction.
I dunno why, I see massive and LJ and my mind went straight to DISagreement
HA. I can't imagine why that would be...
I think the saving grace for me may be if the sci-fi is limted to near future Mission Impossible espionage type stuff rather than interplanetary spaceships/lifelike robots/mid-orgasm time-stopping machines. If it only involves gadgetry and concepts that I would buy in the hands of Sydney Bristow or Ilya Kuryakin, I can suspend my disbelief.
See, I don't prefer that near-tech, myself. I find a miss is easier to spot when you're aiming so close to reality.
I dunno why, I see massive and LJ and my mind went straight to DISagreement rather than what you wrote. Sorry for the misreading.
I'm surprised I read it the right way.
Kat reminds me that I never saw the last few eps of
Have to Netflix.
I'll tune in for
and then I'll see. I'm not having any pre-show fannish glee, though. Perhaps I'm just lazy these days. have a bit on the supposed change: [link]
I wasn't a Buffy/Angel watcher when Firefly premiered so this is my first opportunity to come to a new Whedon show as a fan. I don't see this premise as more exploitave than 90% of anything to be found on the US airwaves these days but the fact that Joss is creating it gives me hope that it will transcend my imaginings.
I have very little doubt that I will enjoy "Dollhouse" based on the fact that I have never not enjoyed a Joss show in the past. Although, I definitely see the ick in the premise; I'm hopeful it's going to be more about overcoming an awful situation.