I knit, but I am full of yarn. Perhaps Polgara?
Anya ,'Bring On The Night'
The Minearverse 6: Fiery Thread of Death
[NAFDA] "There will be an occasional happy, so that it might be crushed under the boot of the writer." From Zorro to Angel (including Wonderfalls, The Inside and Drive), this is where Buffistas come to anoint themselves in the bloodbath. Oh, and help us get Terriers dvds!
I also knit, but I am trying to cut down on my stash, what with living on a rock in the middle of the ocean. Although, shipping may be about the same, especially if you use flat rate...shit. ok.
I love yarn but cannot work with wool (allergic) or super scratchy fibers.
My favorite is Bernat Blanket yarn. I lurve that stuff.
I am a crocheter. I've got one large project currently taking most of my crafty attention, but I would love to see available materials for distraction projects...ooh and my BFF wants to start doing a crafty-get-together night, but since my big project is for her, I can't work on it there, so definitely open to others.
I'm a knitter. I probably don't strictly NEED more stash, in a survival kind of sense, but, you know...
I am thinking I might just put the pictures on one flickr set and post a link here as well as email to people who emailed me.
Sounds reasonable.
My sister just texted me that she's sitting at dinner with Richard Brooks. Does that seem right to you?
Given other times I remember being jealous of your sister, yeah, it kinda does.
Also, I would like to make a Fringe or Wire reference here but none that are apropos come to mind.
Crafty people. I recently bought some awesome fingerless gloves and I want to put some sort of cushioning in the palm of them for when I walk a long distance with my crutches. Any suggestions on how to do this?