I can dig San Diego being a character. Who am I to judge? My main show has an Impala as a character. I'm digging everyone that you mentioned except the ex, Gretchen. I'm not feeling any Gretchen love yet. Maybe because she seems so clueless about twisting the knife into Hank. I'd respect her more if I thought she was trying to hurt him.
I knew Gretchen's name before I knew dude's dude, Britt, because Hank said it so much. Which really, should be Brett in my mind. I expect a Britt to be short for Britain or Brittany. I do love Britt's girlfriend though even though I still haven't paid enough attention to remember her name. I know she's a vet, and smart, and funny, and kind to Britt. That's good enough for me.
eta: Twice now Hank's phone has vibrated and because he doesn't answer until the second or third vibration, I've looked for my phone. Dude is using my ringtone!
I do like Gretchen. I don't think she's got a clue where Hank's head is but she does seem to want him happy. And I can't really fault her for moving on after a divorce. She'd better stay alive and unassaulted. There are plenty of ways to motivate him without fridging the ex.
Though San Diego is my favorite character. It's all photgenic and I can name where half of the scenes are.
Weird since Leverage actually shoots where I live and I generally don't notice. But they are faking other places...
Didn't he say something like it had only been six months? I was thinking it had been an abnormally short time to be divorced, healed, dated, and healthy enough to get married again.
Maybe I have something against ex's. I don't like the ex in Justified, but adored the girlfriend Ava. I'll try to watch next week with an open mind about Gretchen.
Olivia Williams! That's the name I couldn't remember. I kept thinking of her as Adele.
Huh. This whole time (during Dollhouse) I had Olivia confused with Serena Scott Thomas. Imdb showed me the error of my ways. Although, it tickles me that I thought Olivia was from Buffy when it turns out she is just as connected to that show as Tim.
I didn't like Olivia with the "american" accent, particularly with the speech pattern that they chose for the character. It would have been better with her normal accent.
Her accent was a little odd. You could tell it wasn't american, too many pesky t's being pronounced. One time I thought it was dubbed. To be fair though, I'm sure she does american better than I do british.
Didn't he say something like it had only been six months?
She's only known the fiance 6 months. I think I remember someone saying they'd been divorced (or separated, I'm not sure which) for a year in the pilot.
I'm pretty well hooked. These are some seriously fucked up people and that is apparently what I like.
I have been a tad distracted this past month what with all the ER and hospital shenanegians, so I didn't remember to TiVo Terriers. Will it be rebroadcast any time soon? How many eps have I missed?
It's on Hulu, Pix, so you should be able to see it there. 2 episodes so far. [link]