I do like Gretchen. I don't think she's got a clue where Hank's head is but she does seem to want him happy. And I can't really fault her for moving on after a divorce. She'd better stay alive and unassaulted. There are plenty of ways to motivate him without fridging the ex.
Though San Diego is my favorite character. It's all photgenic and I can name where half of the scenes are.
Weird since Leverage actually shoots where I live and I generally don't notice. But they are faking other places...
Didn't he say something like it had only been six months? I was thinking it had been an abnormally short time to be divorced, healed, dated, and healthy enough to get married again.
Maybe I have something against ex's. I don't like the ex in Justified, but adored the girlfriend Ava. I'll try to watch next week with an open mind about Gretchen.
Olivia Williams! That's the name I couldn't remember. I kept thinking of her as Adele.
Huh. This whole time (during Dollhouse) I had Olivia confused with Serena Scott Thomas. Imdb showed me the error of my ways. Although, it tickles me that I thought Olivia was from Buffy when it turns out she is just as connected to that show as Tim.
I didn't like Olivia with the "american" accent, particularly with the speech pattern that they chose for the character. It would have been better with her normal accent.
Her accent was a little odd. You could tell it wasn't american, too many pesky t's being pronounced. One time I thought it was dubbed. To be fair though, I'm sure she does american better than I do british.
Didn't he say something like it had only been six months?
She's only known the fiance 6 months. I think I remember someone saying they'd been divorced (or separated, I'm not sure which) for a year in the pilot.
I'm pretty well hooked. These are some seriously fucked up people and that is apparently what I like.
I have been a tad distracted this past month what with all the ER and hospital shenanegians, so I didn't remember to TiVo Terriers. Will it be rebroadcast any time soon? How many eps have I missed?
It's on Hulu, Pix, so you should be able to see it there. 2 episodes so far. [link]