The thing I can't get beyond with this show is way would you want Echo as Miss Penn and not the real thing.
I had the same reaction. DW said it's because they take multiple personalities and splice them together So you're getting a bunch of "Miss Penns," not just a single good negotiator. I'm still not quite buying it, though (probably because Eliza didn't quite sell it as others have mentioned).
I finally watched it off the DVR and was not particularly impressed. It was okay, I certainly didn't feel like I wasted an hour and there's some interesting stuff there, but it didn't hook me.
Then again, it took 3 episodes for Firefly to hook me (though I blame Fox for that) so I'm will to give this 3 episodes as well.
The GF, on the other hand, really enjoyed it. Not to the point where she'd keep watching if I stopped, but she was a lot more involved during the episode than I was.
I agree that the promos during the show were awful and cringe-inducing, and that I think whoever said that Summer looked like she didn't want to be there was spot-on.
On a side note, am I the only one who recognized Agent Helo's boxing opponent as Toa? (And how many respect points have I lost for making that connection?)
On a completely unthinky note, I think the set is a little too busy. I don't see what the advantage of having such a large elaborate open set is, if it doesn't give you any supercool shots where the relationship of the rooms to each other matters.
I don't see what the advantage of having such a large elaborate open set is,
Joss loves his multi-tiered sets, though. The Bronze, the Hyperion, Serenity, Wolfram & Hart...
Hey, Toa's The Rock's stunt double and cousin! Mmmm.
t /less deep than Kalshane
Okay, so, this is a serious request: can anybody come up with a great way of selling Dollhouse to average joe (not to be confused with Joe The Plumber) in a few sentences?
I haven't watched it, yet. I saw the first couple of minutes with Eliza's character being coerced into signing up for five years, and I saw her on the motorcycle, and dancing in the white dress shirt. I told her, "Look into pants," and then I had other things to do.
I...if this wasn't Whedon, I would have already deleted it from the TiVo. Instead, it's sitting there, waiting for me, and I'm thinking about it. Too much.
...and dancing in the white dress shirt. I told her, "Look into pants," and then I had other things to do
Yeah, looking at that opening sequence again I immediately flashed back to Absolutely Fabulous with Patsy saying "One snap of my fingers and I can raise hemlines so high the whole world's your gynecologist."
I can't believe I didn't recognize Toa, having been roped into AG last season. Huh. Good catch!
I may have been distracted by Tamoh's hips. Perhaps.