I think it's kind to assume that all the negatives come from trying to wrench in network notes, but I doubt that's the case.
How come? They had to toss out the pilot and rewrite the following episodes multiple times, all in response to network requests.
In actual episode reflection, do you think the actives are named (or rather initialed) linearly? If Alpha is presumably first, that would only put a few before Echo, whereas there's quite a bit of space between her and the presumably newest Sierra.
That's what I thought.
but there's going to be somebody named Uniform or Whiskey. Hee.
"Who's going out on this engagement?"
"Whiskey, Tango and Foxtrot."
Eliza doesn't seem to have that sort of gravitas if she's not allowed to beat people up in the scene.
Well, maybe if they didn't put her in that damn tight skirt-jacket getup and spiked high heels, that could have helped some. I agree that she didn't pull that off (though I do give her some props for her reaction when she saw the former personality's abuser) but JESUS, does she have to be sexy in every effing situation? Down to the sexy librarian glasses and the updo that is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to be unleashed sexily. She seemed like a dominatrix rather than a negotiator.
She seemed like a dominatrix rather than a negotiator.
She wasn't very dom though. It would've nice if she'd been more credible taking charge.
You're right- it looked like she was dressed for the part, and that was a substitution for actually having that credibility.
I agree with most everything said, including the 'two more eps for Joss' sake' indulgence.
I groaned out loud with the Miss Penn character just happened to randomly bump into her karmic nemesis and found the cosmic resolution her desperately broken and ultmately soul-defeated progenetor never could.
All is right in Heaven and I'm a bit disgusted. She couldn't just have good deductive skills and defeated a monster similar to hers? Oh, no. Of all the piers in all the world, The Ghost had to stumble onto hers. Feh.
This added fuel to my agreement that ED didn't really sell the persona. It would have been so much better if it weren't her singular wound being redressed.
When I saw the naked guy I mumbled under my breath, "That BETTER not be the actor who played Buffy's Adam." Cuz, you know. Creative bankrupcy.
Eliza doesn't seem to have that sort of gravitas if she's not allowed to beat people up in the scene.
So this. I really thought her negotiator role was thin. "I am panicked so I will fumble for my inhaler". I didn't get the sense she *needed* that inhaler. A lot of it was also her voice. It didn't command the respect of someone in control. I might watch the first episode again. I did watch it at 3am, so who knows, maybe it's a bit better when I'm rested.
I did watch it at 3am, so who knows, maybe it's a bit better when I'm rested.
I wouldn't hold out much hope. I agree with you 100% about the inhaler, too.
Also, last time I checked, asthma was an actual physical condition, not something psychosomatic (though of course stress can trigger attacks in those that actually have it). I could buy Penny's imprint thinking she had asthma, but Echo's body shouldn't have obliged her with an attack.
Interestingly, the inhaler thing didn't ping me at all. I assumed it was filled with air and the persona's dependence on it was psychological. More a panic attack model than an actual respiratory problem.
Shortsightedness isn't psychosomatic either. I think the premise is that the imprint runs even deeper than that, and can tell the nervous system what it's receiving from the body. Is the nervous system involved in asthma? I don't know. But it could be possible to trigger asthma symptoms neurally.