Joss was posting online last night and mentioned Tim:
Which episode of Dollhouse would you say stands out to you the most (your favorite episode)?
Well, "Man on the Street", our episode six, was the ep that really seemed to bring everything together. I've never written faster or more easily. Having said that, my favorite eposides of my own shows are usually Tim Minear's, and he's still in editing, so...
Pressure is on, Tim.
The lack of natural lighting on the Dollhouse set freaks me out.
Of course I realise the lighting is rarely natural, but I like to pretend it is.
So? Anyone else upset that Dollhouse & Friday Night Lights are the same time? Yup, DVR switched to Dollhouse.
I'm just the opposite. I'm not watching Dollhouse at all, except if I hulu it.
Dollhouse opening credits: [link]
That's a lot of Dushku.
I'm upset but my dvr can record both.
We're dvring Dollhouse and FNL, and StY is having to watch Flashpoint realtime. Oh, the horror!
CBS ran a Flashpoint repeat last week (and got 10 million viewers...) so they could do 'all new' Flashpoint against Dollhouse today.
I can only dvr two things and not watch a 3rd. So sad.
makes one consider the ATT Uverse thingy. If only the prices were cheaper, I might switch from cable.
My computer is recording Dollhouse (HD), and my old SD DVR will record Friday Night Lights. Too bad, with my Xbox in the shop, I can't watch Dollhouse on my shiny 40" tv.
t /1st world problems