Because I trust you guys, it's this picture:
Ahahahaha. I love you all, and I still think of this place as a safe-ish space, but it is most definitely not as private (or as safe) as we seem to think it is. Trust me.
Flickr - I friends-lock most of my pictures, and private-lock a whole bunch. I've gotten some random requests from tights communities (literally, all opaque tights) and such.
Hmmm...normally I wouldn't watch anything remotely related to Rockstar Curling (I mean...seriously?). Mostly because I just hate reality TV. I will admit to getting sucked into a season of the Amazing Race but that was an aberration. =P BUT, I am now 31 years old and I have been a fan of Bon Jovi (the band, not just the lead singer) since I was about nine years old. So, if JBJ hosted I would probably have to force myself to watch or deny the show's existence. I think I would prefer the latter. On the up side, on A Daily Show last night John Stewart said, pending a vote, the writers should be back on Wednesday. That is the best news I have heard in months.
you've met people right?
People. They mess stuff up for the rest of us.
I would probably check it out, but . . . watching curling is boring. Really. I have friends who curl, and I went to check it out, and it was interesting for maybe 20 minutes. After that, I just kept looking at my watch and wishing that they had better beer.
I still think of this place as a safe-ish space, but it is most definitely not as private (or as safe) as we seem to think it is. Trust me.
But I know how many hits I normally get from stuff I link here at least and can look at my stats and see how many people visited a picture because it was linked here.
Happy Birthday Krtistin and Maria!
I woke up this morning to discover that my roof has a leak. Not a bad one, total water presence on my kitchen floor probably amounted to a spilled juice glass. But still irksome.
So is everyone voting today who can? I hate when I don't get to vote.
Have people been following the discussion about caucuses v primaries among the campaigns? I've never lived anywhere that caucused, which seems kind of cool. Today's are all regular primaries, though, as far as I know.
However, it occured to me recently that the arguments about caucusing are Exactly The Same as our Gang of Fourteen debates. Which no doubt explains a) why I find them so appealing and b) why they really probably aren't fair. Ha! We are
so far
ahead of the game. They should hire us on as consultants.
I voted but I did not get a sticker. Again. There weren't as many people as I thought there might be at my polling place (at 8:30 am). I only saw about 5 altogether. And I knew 2 of them.
After that, I just kept looking at my watch and wishing that they had better beer.
This describes so much of my life.